
An Introduction

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Marketing: An Introduction is intended for u

Market Your Way to Growth

8 Ways to Win

Marketing guru Philip Kotler and global marketing strategist Milton Kotler show you how to survive rough economic waters With the developed world facing slow economic growth, successfully competing fo


The most comprehensive and authoritative introductory marketing text available for Australian students. The new edition has been completely updated to reflect recent changes in marketing theory and pr

Principles of Marketing

The 6th edition of Principles of Marketing makes the road to learning and teaching marketing more effective, easier and more enjoyable than ever. Today’s marketing is about creating customer value and

Principles of Marketing


an introduction

Total Quality Management - A Case Study of a Quality Award Winning Organization

Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, University of Phoenix, 20 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: In t

Introduction to Total Quality

Quality Management for Production, Processing, and Services

This comprehensive, in-depth introduction to both the big picture and the specific details of total quality management uses a direct, straightforward approach to make the theories and principles of to

Benchmarking Total Quality Management databases for higher education

Beyond Total Quality Management

Toward the Emerging Paradigm

Beyond Total Quality Management, the first and only college textbook devoted entirely to TQM, is comprised of 12 conceptual chapters and a collection of chapter-length case studies. The conceptual cha

Total Quality Management for Schools

This popular book and video present the principles and applications of TQM for transformation of schools. The author is recognized as the leading authority on this approach to school reform.

Total Quality Management - Principles And Practice, 1E

Total Quality Management: Principles And Practice Is Divided Into Many Building Blocks To Facilitate Complete Understanding Of The Subject. The Overview At The End Of The Book Will Leave Readers With