Heavy Metal Management

Heavy Metal Management is the ultimate tool for business leaders on all levels who wish to: a) improve their performance dramatically b) transform their business from ”this project” to ”the world domi

Undang-undang & kebijaksanaan penanaman modal, serta implikasinya terhadap pembangunan nasional & daerah

Legal aspects of capital investments in Indonesia and their influence on economic development.

Pidato kenegaraan Presiden Republik Indonesia serta keterangan pemerintah atas rancangan undang-undang tentang anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara tahun anggaran 2008 beserta nota keuangannya

Undang-undang & peraturan tentang UKM (usaha kecil & menengah).

Collection of Indonesian law and government regulations on small and medium-sized business in Indonesia.

Japan and Malaysian Economic Development

In the Shadow of the Rising Sun

The Japanese presence in Southeast Asia is treated variously with either suspicion or encouragement. Japan and Malaysian Development critically assesses different dimensions of Japan-Malaysia economic

New frontiers of the Malaysian economy

Malaysian human resource management

Statistik perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia

Local power and politics in Indonesia

decentralisation & democratisation

Eastern Indonesia

the great challenge for investment

Concise Encyclopedia of Advertising

At your fingertips—find advertising terms and concepts quickly and easily in this A-Z reference guide! As with many institutions, advertising has developed its own vocabulary. While some terms and con

Handbook for Professional Managers Encyclopedia of Professional Management