Sebanyak 76 item atau buku ditemukan

12 Langkah Praktis Mahir Bahasa Jepang

Dewasa ini bahasa Jepang semakin diminati oleh berbagai kalangan. Namun, orang sering malas untuk memperlajarinya begitu melihat bentuk hurufnya yang tampak rumit dan materinya sulit dipahami. Buku terbiitan WahyuMedia ini mengulas 12 langkah praktis belajar bahasa Jepang, dari pengalaman huruf sampai penerapan berbagai pola kalimat. Materi dalam buku ini disajikan secara praktis dan sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami. Dilengkapi tabel huruf Hiragana dan KatakanaDisertai Contoh percakapan yang berhubungan langsung dengan materiDilengkapi tabel perubahan bentuk kata kerja

Dewasa ini bahasa Jepang semakin diminati oleh berbagai kalangan.

Pengetahuan, sikap, kepercayaan, dan perilaku budaya tradisional pada generasi muda di Kota Ujungpandang

Cultural attitudes of youths towards customs and traditions in Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi Selatan Province; research report.

Hal itu dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep-konsep segmentasi pasar,
penelitian konsumen, pengembangan konsep, komunikasi, pemberian insentif,
dan teori pertukaran untuk memaksimalkan respon dari kelompok target, yakni
generasi muda ( 1 5-20 tahun). Menurut James William Coleman dan Donald
Cressey (1989), pada kelompok ini usia mulai tumbuh kesadaran akan identitas
diri dan keluarganya. Mereka dapat membedakan atau merasakan perbedaan
etnik diri ...

Beyond Maintenance to Mission

A Theology of the Congregation

This book argues compellingly for the centrality of mission in understanding the church and provides a model for congregational leadership that will help move congregations beyond a maintenance mentality to vital engagement with the world God loves. Nessan's model of congregational leadership is strongly centered on worship life of a congregation and the entirety of the church's ministry. The chapters provide solid theological and practical direction on the themes of worship, education, fellowship, stewardship, evangelism, global connections, ecumenism, and social ministry. It is a book that will find a home in both the academy and the parish a textbook for seminarians and a guide and resource for pastors and lay congregational leaders.

"Do you intend to continue in the covenant God made with you in Holy Baptism:
to live among God's faithful people.. .and to strive for justice and peace in all the
earth?" So one promises according to the rite of the Affirmation of Baptism, used
at ...

Supernova Search Charts and Handbook Pack/Set ICL

This unique atlas contains 248 charts of more than 300 of the brightest galaxies, each specially prepared to facilitate the discovery of supernovae. The comparison of these charts with the field seen in a telescope enables any extragalactic supernova to be spotted immediately. The charts include 345 galaxies printed on translucent paper for use on a light-box, each one carrying an explanation of the constellation in which the galaxy lies, special characteristics of the galaxy, observing instructions, expected maximum brightness for the supernovae in each galaxy, and the reference for the sequence. A handbook accompanies the charts advising on their use, on how to make and record supernova discoveries, and reviewing the present understanding of supernovae. Published for an international market, these charts carry real potential for numerous discoveries of supernovae. Supernova Search Charts are is a must for both serious observers and the growing number of deep sky enthusiasts around the world.

This unique atlas contains 248 charts of more than 300 of the brightest galaxies, each specially prepared to facilitate the discovery of supernovae.