Sebanyak 52 item atau buku ditemukan

Uncertainty Handling and Quality Assessment in Data Mining

Uncertainty Handling and Quality Assessment in Data Mining provides an introduction to the application of these concepts in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. It reviews the state-of-the-art in uncertainty handling and discusses a framework for unveiling and handling uncertainty. Coverage of quality assessment begins with an introduction to cluster analysis and a comparison of the methods and approaches that may be used. The techniques and algorithms involved in other essential data mining tasks, such as classification and extraction of association rules, are also discussed together with a review of the quality criteria and techniques for evaluating the data mining results. This book presents a general framework for assessing quality and handling uncertainty which is based on tested concepts and theories. This framework forms the basis of an implementation tool, 'Uminer' which is introduced to the reader for the first time. This tool supports the key data mining tasks while enhancing the traditional processes for handling uncertainty and assessing quality. Aimed at IT professionals involved with data mining and knowledge discovery, the work is supported with case studies from epidemiology and telecommunications that illustrate how the tool works in 'real world' data mining projects. The book would also be of interest to final year undergraduates or post-graduate students looking at: databases, algorithms, artificial intelligence and information systems particularly with regard to uncertainty and quality assessment.

The term Data Mining is also used as a synonym to Knowledge Discovery in
Databases, as well as to refer to the actual techniques used for the analysis and
the extraction of knowledge from the data sets. To differentiate between the
process ...

Arsitektur Sadar Energi : Pemanfaatan Komputer dan Internet untuk Merancang Bangunan Ramah Lingkungan

Kebijakan fiskal dan moneter dalam ekonomi Islami

Kemudian dilanjutkan bab satu, yang membahas tentang mengenal struktur dan
kebijakan moneter dalam Islam. Di dalamnya membahas tentang: pendahuluan;
ruang lingkup; fungsi uang dan bank; sumber ekspansi moneter; instrumen
keuangan; struktur kelembagaan; kebijakan moneter. Bab dua, membahas topik
uang dalam lintasan pemikir ekonomi Islam. Di dalamnya menguraikan tentang
dinar dan dirham: mata uang Islam; mata uang di zaman Khalifah; uang di
zaman Ibnu ...

Christian Women in Indonesia

A Narrative Study of Gender and Religion

This important book offers an edifying narrative of Indonesian women who find a new and powerful voice in the course of preparing to become Christian Pastors and theologians in their native land. By assuming roles of responsibility, these women stand ready to transform understandings of gender differences that have traditionally governed Indonesian culture, like the notion that women are an inferior sex and not suited to leadership. In a broader sense, they join a growing global course toward gender equality and the evolution of women's spirituality. Frances S. Adeney clearly shows how religious-inspired resistance led these women to create new practices ant theologies designed to foster parity. Realizing that Western ideas are inapplicable to foreign issues of gender and religion, the author sheds light on the twin questions of cultural isolation and the complexities of doing research in the postmodern era.

Press. Tilaar, Martha. 1991. "Citra Wanita Indonesia Tahun 2000: Kemandirian
Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Pembangunan" (Vision for Indonesian women in
the year 2000: Independence in responding to the challenge of development).

Bunga rampai psikologi perkembangan pribadi

dari bayi sampai lanjut usia

jukkan hasil yang bermakna terhadap perkembangan kognitif, juga menunjukkan
peningkatan dalam perkembangan bahasa anak usia prasekolah.
Perkembangan Emosi dan Sosial Anak Anak-anak peserta program biasanya
dinilai sama ...

Photoshop Channel Chops

The Master of Photoshop unveils his secrets of the true power behind the most popular image processing program. Unlock the intimidating high-end features of Photoshop to create stunning digital images with this book that takes the experienced designer and digital artist to new heights of proficiency.

Unlock the intimidating high-end features of Photoshop to create stunning digital images with this book that takes the experienced designer and digital artist to new heights of proficiency.