Sebanyak 46 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengantar statistik

pendekatan memahami statistik penyelidikan untuk golongan sains sosial

Bab 1 Statistik Deskriptif PENGENALAN Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberi
kefahaman asas tentang statistik terutama kepada pelajar-pelajar yang
mengambil bidang-bidang psikologi, sosiologi, pen- didikan bahkan juga bidang
lain seperti ...

Sejarah dan kekuatan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka

solusi, harapan, dan impian

History of Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, National Liberation Front of Aceh and political conditions in Aceh Province.

Info Teknologi Komputer IBM Pertama Penemu-penemu moderen dari komputer
meminjam gagasan dari alat-alat hitung yang lebih dahulu. Mereka
menyempurnakan gagasan-gagasan itu sampai mereka dapat memunculkan
komputer ...

Black Pilgrimage to Islam

This book offers a comprehensive ethnographic study of African-American Muslims. Drawing on hundreds of interviews conducted over a period of several years, Dannin provides an unprecedented look inside the fascinating and little understood world of black Muslims. He discovers that the well-known and cult-like Nation of Islam represents only a small part of the picture. Many more African-Americans are drawn to Islamic orthodoxy, with its strict adherence to the Qur'an. Dannin takes us to the First Cleveland Mosque, the oldest continuing Muslim institution in America, on to a permament Muslim village in Buffalo, and then inside New York's maximum-security prisons to hear testimony of the powerful attraction of Islam for individuals in desperate situations. He looks at the aftermath of the assassination of Malcolm X, and the ongoing warfare between the Nation of Islam and orthodox Muslims. Accessibly written, filled with gripping first-hand testimony, and featuring superb illustrations by photographer Jolie Stahl, this book will be the best available guide to the beliefs and culture of African-American Muslims.

Dannin provides an unprecedented look inside the fascinating and little understood world of black Muslims.

Rindu tanpa akhir

metode mendidik jiwa agar cinta, rida, dan damai bersama Allah

Rindu Tanpa Akhir telah membantu jutaan kaum beriman dari masa ke masa mencapai kehidupan yang bermakna dengan mengembangkan kemampuan mereka mengelola cinta puncak potensi ruhani manusia. Imam al-Ghazâlî Sang Hujjat al-Islâm, mengupas tuntas hakikat cinta, sebab-sebab maupun tanda-tandanya, cara mencintai dan dicintai Allah, lezatnya kerinduan ruhani, indahnya keintiman spiritual, serta bagaimana emosi yang sangat luar biasa itu dapat mengubah arah kehidupan seseorang menuju kebahagiaan abadi. Simaklah karya cemerlang ini, insya Allah Anda akan merasakan bahwa hidup ini adalah anugerah Allah. Dan h anya dengan cinta, ibadah menjadi mudah. Kepatuhan menjadi kerinduan. Ketaatan menjadi dambaan. "Buku ini mengajak Anda menyelami arti cinta kepada Allah dan mengalamikehangatan cinta-Nya. Bila mencintai seseorang saja sejuta rasanya, bagaimana lezatnya mencintai Allah? Dan betapa bahagianya bila cinta kita dibalas dengan cinta-Nya. Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Serambi Ilmu Semesta" (Serambi Group)

Rindu Tanpa Akhir telah membantu jutaan kaum beriman dari masa ke masa mencapai kehidupan yang bermakna dengan mengembangkan kemampuan mereka mengelola cinta puncak potensi ruhani manusia.

A Classified Index and Synopsis of the Animal Kingdom Arranged in Conformity with Its Organization by the Baron Cuvier

With Supplementary Additions to Each Order

A tabular view of the classification of animals adopted by the Baron Cuvier; with specific examples.

385 rostratus, iv. 435 ; v. 382 Sinensis, v. 383 tursio, iv. 435; v. 382 ventricosus, v.
385 Delundung, ii. 419 Desman, ii. 185; v. 105 of Russia, ii. 18. 189 of the
Pyrenees, ii. 190; v. 105 Desmans, ii. 18 Deva deve, v. 298 Devil ofthe Colonist, v

Fractal Geometry in Digital Imaging

This book presents the analysis of textured images using fractal geometry, and discusses its application to imaging science and computer vision when modeling natural objects. The authors explore the methods which can be used to simulate, analyze, and interpret coherent images, and demonstrate a new approach which segments each image into regions of similarity that can be characterized by a random fractal with a given fractal dimension. Fractal Geometry in Digital Imaging is based on a research project, but has been written with a broad coverage and user friendly math to make the book accessible to a wider audience. It includes real world experiences and applications using the techniques described. * Discusses the analysis of textured images using fractal geometry * Explores the methods used to simulate, analyze, and interpret coherent images * Contains coverage of real world experiences and applications * Written in a user friendly style

The reader is introduced to the principles of synthetic noise generation and its
importance for simulating noise type images such as speckle patterns which are
a characteristic of all coherent imaging systems. Lindermayer systems are also ...