Sebanyak 52 item atau buku ditemukan

Payday Lending: Federal Law Enforcement Uses a MultiLayered Approach to Identify Employees in Financial Distress

In the U.S., payday lending (PL) is a $40 billion a year industry. A PL is a small-dollar loan -- from $100 to $500 and re-payable in about two weeks. Consumers can pay fees of $15-20 for every $100 borrowed. In 2006 the DoD reported on predatory lending, incl. PL, and found that these loans impacted military readiness and troop morale. Concerns were raised about PL to federal employees in law enforcement and national security positions at four components. This report examined: (1) how these federal law enforcement agencies become aware of employees who are potential security risks due to financial problems, including PL; and (2) various alternatives to PL. Charts and tables. This is a print on demand edition of an important, hard-to-find report.

Analisis korelasi investasi dan kesempatan kerja di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh

laporan hasil penelitian

Analysis of capital investment and job vacancies in Aceh Province; research report.

Analysis of capital investment and job vacancies in Aceh Province; research report.

ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel Control

This newly revised Short Cut teaches you how to build richer and more interactive Ajax-style web pages using ASP.NET AJAX, Microsoft's Ajax framework for ASP.NET 2.0. The ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel control is key to building ASP.NET 2.0 applications more responsive to user input and in this tutorial, you'll learn how to use it from the Microsoft experts: Bertrand Le Roy, UpdatePanel control's architect and developer, and Matt Gibbs, ASP.NET AJAX dev team manager. Completely revised for the Version 1.0 release of ASP.NET AJAX, this Short Cut teaches you what you need to know to make UpdatePanel part of your application pages. You'll also learn how to use the control to improve the performance of an ASP.NET Wizard control; create a better master/details page for the AdventureWorks database; and add a pop-up preview to a search page. Finally, you'll learn how to display UpdatePanel error messages and deal with its quirks and limitations. And all of the example code is available for free download. In short, this PDF has exactly what you need to begin adding the interactivity of AJAX to your ASP.NET 2.0 applications today.

The ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel control is key to building ASP.NET 2.0 applications more responsive to user input and in this tutorial, you'll learn how to use it from the Microsoft experts: Bertrand Le Roy, UpdatePanel control's architect and ...


Bahan, Bangunan Dan Struktur, Infrastruktur, Konstruksi Kapal, Pengikat, Perusahaan Konstruksi, Teknik Bangunan, Material Butiran

Sumber: Wikipedia. Halaman: 59. Bab: Bahan, Bangunan dan struktur, Infrastruktur, Konstruksi kapal, Pengikat, Perusahaan konstruksi, Teknik bangunan, Material butiran, Arup, Galangan kapal, Kapal keruk, Minyak bumi, Beton, Igloo, Semikonduktor, Lateks, Insulasi termal, Akuaduk, Kertas, Pompa kalor, Pengerukan, Papirus, Mekanika tanah, Aerogel, Penjepit kertas, Propolis, Pembuatan kapal, Efek lotus, Batu, Bangunan hijau, Pencakar langit, Istana Westminster, Lambung kapal, Serat, Perkerasan lentur, Tonase kotor, Menara, Cat, Baling-baling, Stabilitas kapal, Fasad, Tonase bersih, Isolasi bangunan, Jangkar, Baut, Geladak, Microtunneling, Lambung timbul, Warung Tegal, Perunggu, Jendela, Nilon, Gabus, Kemudi, Wanna B Cafe & Resto, Pintu, Manajemen konstruksi, Roda kemudi, Kastil, Folly, Slipway, Villa, Atap, Tambat, Perancah, Draft, Haluan, Atap logam, Kantin, Atap Alang-alang, Anjungan, Lunas, Tonase bobot mati, Kantor, Pintu rampa, Tiang Justinianus, Peletakan lunas, Lambung bebas minimum, Buritan, Kulit kapal, Rencana program investasi jangka menengah, Waduk Notopuro, Berat benaman, Graha, Linoleum, Bulbous bow, Gading-gading, Sudut, Superstruktur, Lingkungan binaan, Suprastruktur, Pekarangan, Kafe, Atap perisai buntung, Berat kapal kosong. Kutipan: Material butiran adalah bahan atau material yang terdiri dari butiran-butiran bahan lain yang lebih kecil. Contoh sederhana dari material butiran adalah pasir, kacang-kacangan (bijinya), biji-bijian, tepung, dan kelereng. Material butiran ini termasuk penting karena dia menunjukkan sifat-sifat lain yang kadang dimiliki hanya oleh padatan, cairan atau gas. Wujud zatTidaklah berlebihan apabila bahkan sampai ada yang mengusulkan bahwa material butiran dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu fase tersendiri dari wujud zat, seperti terlihat dalam gambar berikut ini (A: padat - memiliki bentuk sendiri, B: cair - memiliki tinggi yang sama, C: gas - memenuhi wadahnya, dan D: butiran - bergantung asupan energi). Perlu dicatat bahwa yang d...

Sumber: Wikipedia.

Distribution Planning and Control

Effective Use of Computer Systems and Models