Sebanyak 66 item atau buku ditemukan

History of the ... Economic Censuses

224 Other construction materials 225 New computer equipment 220 Used
computer equipment 227 Computer software - off the ... Other minerals and ores
238 Electronic communication equipment 239 Electrical measuring and testing
equipment, ... 282 Crude oil 283 Farm supplies 284 Tobacco and tobacco
products 285 Flowers and florists' supplies 280 Art goods (Include gifts, novelties,
and souvenirs ...

1977 census of service industries

Geographic area statistics

Commercial photography Commercial art Other News syndicates Employment
agencies Temporary office help supply ... testing laboratories j CB-73C Kind-of-
business titles Kind-of-business titles BUSINESS SERVICES-Continued Other ...

Defense management journal

An EOE/AA Emplow ing new cv coding, testing & debuggny ^r / / \ plication
programs. ... Required I EXPERTS ims, Inc., o national leader in the delivery of
state-of-the-art jnd technology is seeking software engineers, computer and /to
help with ...