Sebanyak 28 item atau buku ditemukan

Hierophantic Experiences in Kashmiri Sufi Poetry

Hierophantic experience is an exalted visionary insight gained through the fusion and integration of six faculties-vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and thought. It is a close and harmonious relationship with a higher power beyond the phenomenal world of space and time. The impact of various experiences expressed by the caravan of our mystics bears a close affinity with Sufi poetry and with other mystic thoughts like Trika Shaster, Buddhist Philosophy, Neo-Platonism or other mystic literatures of the world. Kashmiri Sufi poetry is largely an expression of hierophantic experiences. In this book Kashmiri Sufi poetry is analysed to see how poetry, as an artistic expression of the Communion with the One, plays a crucial role in the mystical experience and how this kind of experience may be an evidence of the activity of the fusion. The aim of the book has been to seek out & document the literary spirit of the metaphysical, the mystical, & a paroxysmal pulse of the transcendental concord between the man and the Absolute as shared by the Sufis of Kashmir.

Kashmiri Sufi poets are altogether manifesting the same thought. Their source of
inspiration is Hazrat Mir Syed Ali Hamadani's (RA) and Hazrat Sheikh ul Alam's
poetry and aphorisms and those magnificent Sufi preachers who have spread ...

Pengetahuan, sikap, kepercayaan, dan perilaku generasi muda terhadap budaya tradisional di Kota Manado

Cultural attitudes of youth towards customs and traditions in Manado, Sulawesi Utara Province.

Untuk jenis tabloid mingguan dan harian beredarnya terlambat satu hari dari hari
terbitnya. Selain media cetak yang mempunyai target konsumen umum, adapula
media cetak yang sasarannya adalah penggemar olah raga, seperti Tabloid Bola
, majalah Film. dan Majalah Warta Ekonomi. Seorang ibu yang berdagang di
sekitar pertokoan di Taman Kesatuan Bangsa mengatakan bahwa anak-anak
muda di Manado gemar membeli majalah Jakarta-Jakarta dan novel karangan
Fredy ...

Effective Meetings

Improving Group Decision Making

The purpose of this book is to improve the decision-making process in social work groups. Illustrating the volume with various meeting models - including advisory groups, intergroup and intercultural meetings - John E Tropman examines a number of critical issues facing social workers including family and community violence, health care and homelessness. New to this Second Edition is a discussion of the relationship between meetings and missions, goals, and external and internal forces.

The purpose of this book is to improve the decision-making process in social work groups.

Menggagas pengelolaan zakat oleh negara

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa hutang BLBI akibat restrukturisasi perbankan
sebesar lebih kurang Rp. 600 trilyun ... Berdasarkan data ini saya berpendapat
bahwa "tidak mungkin kesulitan keuangan negara dapat diatasi dengan ekonomi

The Quintessence of Strategic Management

What You Really Need to Know to Survive in Business

Having read this book: You will have a basic understanding of strategy and the process of strategic management. You will know the most important strategy tools (incl. the respective original literature) and how they interact. You will be aware of the focal areas and considerations of strategy in practice. You will be able to analyze and interpret business information with regard to the underlying strategic notions.

What You Really Need to Know to Survive in Business Philip Kotler, Roland
Berger, Nils Bickhoff. The core competency approach attracted a large following
in the 1990s, and even today the concept of core competency is still firmly ...

Kamus Ungkapan Dayak Ngaju-Indonesia

Dayak-Ngaju-Indonesian dictionary of idioms.

Dayak-Ngaju-Indonesian dictionary of idioms.