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Psikologi Perkembangan

Pembelajaran merupakan suatu proses yang kompleks yang melibatkan daya, cipta, rasa dan karsa yang harus dirancang dengan baik sehingga dapat membangun suatu pembelajaran yang sangat menyenangkan. Ibarat suatu pertandingan sepak bola, sedemikian banyaknya pemain yang dimainkan disertai dengan berbagai skill dan rasa optimisme yang tinggi agar dapat menghasilkan pertandingan yang baik dan menghasilkan goal serta enak ditonton. Demikian juga proses pembelajaran harus mampu memadukan faktor-faktor yang ada disertai kemampuan guru untuk menghasilkan proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, membuat peserta didiknya betah dan mampu mengekspresikan potensinya, serta akhirnya berhasil mengantarkannya mencapai tujuan yang baik. Buku ini diberi judul Psikologi Perkembangan yang merupakan salah satu sarana ikhtiar membantu para pendidik memahami dan mendeskripsikan peserta didik serta menawarkan alternatif intervensi edukatif untuk pengembangan secara maksimal potensi yang dimilikinya. Buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai buku pegangan utama dalam mata kuliah Perkembangan Peserta Didik pada Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga vi Kependidikan jenjang strata satu (S-1) yang merupakan Mata Kuliah Dasar Kependidikan (MKDK) dan harus dikuasai oleh semua mahasiswa kependidikan sebagai calon pendidik dan calon guru di SMP dan pendidikan menengah, yang berarti para siswanya sedang berada pada fase remaja maka pembahasan buku ini banyak menekankan pada perkembangan remaja.

Buku ini diberi judul Psikologi Perkembangan yang merupakan salah satu sarana ikhtiar membantu para pendidik memahami dan mendeskripsikan peserta didik serta menawarkan alternatif intervensi edukatif untuk pengembangan secara maksimal ...

Media Pembelajaran Matematika

Media Pembelajaran Matematika merupakan segala sesuatu yang bisa menyalurkan pengetahuan dari pendidik (sumber informasi) kepada siswa (penerima informasi ) dalam pembelajaran matematika. Media pembelajaran sendiri terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu manipulatif dan ICT. Manipulatif adalah media yang dapat dimanipulasikan dengan tangan, diputar, dipegang, dipindah, dan dipotong-potong atau bisa dikatakan bahwa manipulatif adalah media yang dapat dimain-mainkan dengan tangan. Media pembelajaran manipulatif bisa dikatakan sebagai media tradisional.

Media Pembelajaran Matematika merupakan segala sesuatu yang bisa menyalurkan pengetahuan dari pendidik (sumber informasi) kepada siswa (penerima informasi ) dalam pembelajaran matematika.

Sistem Informasi Manajemen

Pada bagian ini, pokok bahasan Sistem yang telah dijabarkan pada bab sebelum yang dikaitkan dengan manajemen informasi kembangkan yang dikaitkan dengan informasi manajemen. Beberapa pengertian atau istilah yang dikemukakan di muka barangkali ditulis lagi di bagian ini hanya sekedar untuk mempermudah pembaca mendalami masalah sistem berkaitan dengan manajemen. Pumpunan bahasan bab ini adalah sekilas tentang pengertian sistem, pendekatan sistem dan klasifikasi sistem. Kemudian dilanjutkan struktur sistem, sistem informasi bersifat integral atau independen, dan diakhiri dengan mendiskusikan sistem informasi dan pengendalian organisasi (penggunaan sistem tertutup).

Buku Sistem Informasi Manajemen ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit deepublish dan tersedia juga versi cetaknya.

Pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran (PAI) di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Money Management & Financial Budgeting 2 Books In 1

A Beginners Guide On Managing Bad Credit, Debt, Savings And Personal

Money Management Turn Bad Credit Into Good Credit: It seems that everywhere you turn, someone wants to know your credit score. It doesn’t matter if this is you or someone from your bank. Many landlords will even run a potential renter’s credit as this will usually give them insight as to whether the person will pay their rent. The landlords will also have guidelines to use in order to tell you if you are approved or not approved based on your credit score. While some may allow you to have a cosigner if you are not approved, they will also want to run your co-signer’s credit report. This is often frustrating to many people, especially when you are trying to repair your credit. It can make you feel that you are never given a break or that your identity is now your bad credit. It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, the more you learn about the details of what bad credit is and how there are federal laws to help you overcome bad credit, the faster you will find yourself in financial freedom. Your credit score is vital to your life. It is something that helps you to enjoy life as you have added access to financial services and various investments. You must understand how your score can directly influence what you can purchase so that you can enjoy your life. The problems you have with your credit score can be very dramatic and you might not be fully aware of what affects your credit score or how valuable it is to you. Those people who pay off their debts and lines of credit with on-time payments will be more likely to have better credit ratings. There are many things relating to your credit score that should be explored that go well beyond just your payment history. Financial Budgeting: Everyone has an opportunity to grow their money and get out of debt, but you must start to make this a reality. Be warned, though, when your income starts to grow, it is easy to fall into temptation and start spending more than you are earning again. Refrain and continue saving and investing your money. Every small step counts. Every coin kept and invested counts. If you use the profit you make, you will be unable to grow your wealth. Instead, allow your investment to grow by using the profits as part of the next years principal. With time, you will have a venture that can not only buy you whatever you want but one that will continue to grow over the years. Taking advice from experts in the field you wish to invest is critical to your investment. Would you go to a farmer when you are sick, or would you seek out a doctor? The same way, take your investment knowledge from those who understand the market dynamics and can offer you advice to help grow your investment. Manage your credit cards with responsibility, or they will sink you into a hole. The easiest way to get into debt is to spend more than you earn. You need to keep your expenses lower than your income at all times. Watch your credit card spending because that’s how we often find ourselves overspending. To get out of debt is to pay. The longer it takes you to pay, the higher the interest rate you will be required to pay. Either consolidate your debt or tackle one debt at a time. You might want to reduce your expenses, so you have more money to spread around. Always start by saving 10% of your income. A safety net is essential for your peace of mind. Budgeting does not have to be complicated. The more you simplify it, the better. As long as you track your expenses and stick to your budget, it will work for you. Ensure that you don’t view it as a task but as a necessary tool to help you stay ahead, get a real financial picture, and manage your money correctly.

Money Management Turn Bad Credit Into Good Credit: It seems that everywhere you turn, someone wants to know your credit score. It doesn’t matter if this is you or someone from your bank.