Sebanyak 146 item atau buku ditemukan

Revolusi Damai

Belajar Dari Filipina

Analysis on revolution and people power in the Philippines.

... ketidakmerataan, pertumbuhan ekono mi yang lamban; 2. kekerasan dan
militerisasi; 3. pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia dan berlangsungnya banyak
ketidakadilan; 4. manipulasi kebenaran dan informasi; 5. kecurangan dalam
suksesi presiden dan pemilu; 6. krisis dalam hal identitas nasional, kesatuan-
persa tuan, dan arah kehidupan menegara; 7. kekacauan dalam manajemen
publik yang ditandai dengan korupsi dan kolusi; 8. tidak stabilnya sektor
keuangan dan moneter; ...

Data Mining in Time Series Databases

Adding the time dimension to real-world databases produces Time Series Databases (TSDB) and introduces new aspects and difficulties to data mining and knowledge discovery. This book covers the state-of-the-art methodology for mining time series databases. The novel data mining methods presented in the book include techniques for efficient segmentation, indexing, and classification of noisy and dynamic time series. A graph-based method for anomaly detection in time series is described and the book also studies the implications of a novel and potentially useful representation of time series as strings. The problem of detecting changes in data mining models that are induced from temporal databases is additionally discussed. Contents: A Survey of Recent Methods for Efficient Retrieval of Similar Time Sequences (H M Lie); Indexing of Compressed Time Series (E Fink & K Pratt); Boosting Interval-Based Literal: Variable Length and Early Classification (J J Rodriguez Diez); Segmenting Time Series: A Survey and Novel Approach (E Keogh et al.); Indexing Similar Time Series under Conditions of Noise (M Vlachos et al.); Classification of Events in Time Series of Graphs (H Bunke & M Kraetzl); Median Strings--A Review (X Jiang et al.); Change Detection in Classfication Models of Data Mining (G Zeira et al.). Readership: Graduate students, reseachers and practitioners in the fields of data mining, machine learning, databases and statistics.

This book covers the state-of-the-art methodology for mining time series databases.

TCP/IP Sockets in Java

Practical Guide for Programmers

The networking capabilities of the Java platform have been extended considerably since the first edition of the book. This new edition covers version 1.5-1.7, the most current iterations, as well as making the following improvements: The API (application programming interface) reference sections in each chapter, which describe the relevant parts of each class, have been replaced with (i) a summary section that lists the classes and methods used in the code, and (ii) a "gotchas" section that mentions nonobvious or poorly-documented aspects of the objects. In addition, the book covers several new classes and capabilities introduced in the last few revisions of the Java platform. New abstractions to be covered include NetworkInterface, InterfaceAddress, Inet4/6Address, SocketAddress/InetSocketAddress, Executor, and others; extended access to low-level network information; support for IPv6; more complete access to socket options; and scalable I/O. The example code is also modified to take advantage of new language features such as annotations, enumerations, as well as generics and implicit iterators where appropriate. Most Internet applications use sockets to implement network communication protocols. This book's focused, tutorial-based approach helps the reader master the tasks and techniques essential to virtually all client-server projects using sockets in Java. Chapter 1 provides a general overview of networking concepts to allow readers to synchronize the concepts with terminology. Chapter 2 introduces the mechanics of simple clients and servers. Chapter 3 covers basic message construction and parsing. Chapter 4 then deals with techniques used to build more robust clients and servers. Chapter 5 (NEW) introduces the scalable interface facilities which were introduced in Java 1.5, including the buffer and channel abstractions. Chapter 6 discusses the relationship between the programming constructs and the underlying protocol implementations in more detail. Programming concepts are introduced through simple program examples accompanied by line-by-line code commentary that describes the purpose of every part of the program. No other resource presents so concisely or so effectively the material necessary to get up and running with Java sockets programming. Focused, tutorial-based instruction in key sockets programming techniques allows reader to quickly come up to speed on Java applications. Concise and up-to-date coverage of the most recent platform (1.7) for Java applications in networking technology.

Because each such network connection belongs to a single host, an Internet
address identifies a host as well as its connection to the network. However, the
converse is not true, because a single host can have multiple interfaces, and
each ...

Visual Basic in Easy Steps

Provides information on using Visual Basic, covering such topics as setting properties, using controls, building an application, scripting, debugging, and creating a database.

Provides information on using Visual Basic, covering such topics as setting properties, using controls, building an application, scripting, debugging, and creating a database.

Captains Blog - The Chronicles of My Afghan Vacation

This is a collection of entries from an online journal created by a U.S. Soldier stationed in Afghanistan. He was assigned as an embedded trainer with the Afghan National Army. It tells the story of the deployment starting from the training station, the experiences in Afghanistan, the journey home, and everything else in between.

This is a collection of entries from an online journal created by a U.S. Soldier stationed in Afghanistan.