Sebanyak 30 item atau buku ditemukan

Self-study Guide to Analysis and Design of Information Systems

This Self-Study Guide is to supplement Analysis and Design of Information
Systems, 2nd ed., by V. Rajaraman. The highlights of the book are given below:
One of the most important uses of computers is (as an aid to managers) to
provide up- ...

Information Systems for You

Information Systems for you is a world leading text with a deserved reputation for underpinning knowledge written in an extremely clear and accessible fashion. Recommended by exam boards, it has been revised and updated for today's secondary courses in ICT subjects and to address today's issues in computer technology

Information Systems for you is a world leading text with a deserved reputation for underpinning knowledge written in an extremely clear and accessible fashion.

Soemarmo, pejuang tanpa tanda jasa

sebuah kumpulan kakrangan

Festschrift in honor of Soemarmo, 1916-1989, former officer of the Dept. of Information, Indonesia.

Aziz lebih banyak mengisi artikel, sedangkan sayalah yang menjadi tukang cari
berita. Karena pada zaman itu segala sesuatunya masih serba mungkin, maka
dalam prakteknya, yang lebih diutamakan itu ialah soal kepercayaan. Percaya ...

Essential Structural Technology for Construction and Architecture

A compact, easy-to-read and mathematically accessible reference for practicing construction professionals wishing to gain, or regain, a working knowledge of structures--one that will enable them to envision how structures resist loads and that will prepare them to collaborate effectively with other construction professionals while analyzing, designing, and constructing structures. Using extensive descriptions and a minimum of mathematics, the handbook focuses on the key concepts of structures--and their applications in unique, real-life problems--taken from traditional engineering topics in statics, mechanics of materials, structural analysis, timber design, steel design, reinforced concrete design, soil mechanics, and foundation design. For engineers, architects, construction contractors, construction project managers, inspectors, and others involved in the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures.

This book was written for students and practicing professionals who need to develop a basic understanding of structural analysis and design.

Pengantar pemahaman ideologi

Suatu penelitian ilmiah tentang filsafat Pancasila pernah dilakukan dengan tekun
oleh a) Prof. N.Drijarkara b) Prof. Notonagoro c) Prof. Muhammad Yamin d) Prof.
Soediman Kartohadiprojo 18. Di dalam melaksanankan penelitian ...

Usable Web Menus

When developing a web site, one of the most important things to consider is the navigation menu, to allow your users to find their way around it. It needs to usable, informative, and well implemented, but this can take time.

Manajemen Unit Kerja

Untuk Perekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Keperawatan dan Kebidanan

Buku ini menguraikan aspek-aspek yang berkaitan dengan sistem pengelolaan unit kerja dimulai dengan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang organisasi secara umum sampai dengan wadah unit kerja seperti rumah sakit. Nah, apa saja aspek-aspek tersebut?? Yuk, temukan jawabnnya di buku ini --Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Manajemen, Pengelolaan Unit Kerja, Hetty Ismainar, Amd. Keb, SKM., MPH.--

Perubahan teknologi informasi juga mempengaruhi kerja alami organisasi
termasuk kerja manajer didalamnya. Kekuatan ekonomi mempengaruhi
kebaikan dari suatu negara termasuk suku bunga, inflasi, pengangguran dan
pertumbuhan ...

Peraturan pemerintah R.I. tentang pelaksanaan 5 (lima) undang-undang perpajakan nomor: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 tahun 2000

Government regulations to implement the revised Indonesian tax laws.

Government regulations to implement the revised Indonesian tax laws.