Sebanyak 67 item atau buku ditemukan

The Gaia Effect

In City 42 Corporation look after you from cradle to grave. They protect you from the radiation outside the wall. They control the food, the water, the technology and most important of all, the continuation of the human race. Kira and Jed Jenkins were lucky enough to win Collection but when their friends start falling pregnant naturally, everything changes. How long has Corporation been lying to them? Is it really toxic outside the wall? As the group comes to terms with the changes in their lives they discover there is a much more powerful and ancient force at work, trying to bridge the gap between man and nature.

In City 42 Corporation look after you from cradle to grave.

Konflik dan integrasi politik Gerakan Aceh Merdeka

kajian tentang konsensus normatif antara RI-GAM dalam perundingan Helsinki

Peace agreement and political integration of Gerakan Aceh Merdeka into Republic of Indonesia through Helsinki MoU.

Peace agreement and political integration of Gerakan Aceh Merdeka into Republic of Indonesia through Helsinki MoU.

Indeks bibliografi skripsi Universitas Pajajaran

Fakultas Sastra, Fakultas Psikologi, Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Sosial Politik, Fakultas Pertanian, Fakultas Publisistik 1957-1980

Acting Ethically: The Experience of Top Leaders

This phenomenological study investigated the lived experience of acting ethically for top organizational leaders. The questioning of ethical behavior of top leaders has surfaced concerns regarding ethical leadership and trust in leaders in all types of organizations. However, little is known about how top leaders, who have a reputation for acting ethically, see themselves as acting in ethically challenging situations. In order to gain insight into this experience, eight top leaders from different organizational and social contexts engaged in in-depth conversational interviews to describe their experience of acting ethically. The criteria for selection of these leaders included their having been in a top leadership position for more than two years so that they had been challenged with ethical situations and their having a reputation (confirmed by two sources) for acting ethically. Through an analysis of the interview text, three essential themes emerged: (1) personifies espoused values; (2) builds relationships for harmony and purpose; and (3) works for mutually beneficial solutions. From the analysis of the essential themes, two models were constructed: the Ethical Leadership Values model that portrayed the top leaders' value system and the Ethical Action Leadership model that depicted six ethical leadership components and their interactions. Both the themes and the models provided clarity about values and behaviors important to acting ethically, and the importance of leaders living out their value system. The findings from the study provided insight into the ways top leaders saw themselves acting ethically, confirmed emerging research on ethical leadership, and supported the relevance of authentic and spiritual leadership concepts to top organizational leaders who lead and guide followers and work at solving ethically-challenging situations.

Through an analysis of the interview text, three essential themes emerged: (1) personifies espoused values; (2) builds relationships for harmony and purpose; and (3) works for mutually beneficial solutions.

Believing and Acting

The Pragmatic Turn in Comparative Religion and Ethics

How should religion and ethics be studied if we want to understand what people believe and why they act the way they do? An energetic guide to the study of religion and ethics, rejecting theories from postmodernism and cognitive science in favour of a return to pragmatic enquiry.

The Pragmatic Turn in Comparative Religion and Ethics G. Scott Davis. sense of
more material than its rival. The conclusion, constantly repeated: “Light has been
thrown on several facts, which on the theory of independent acts of creation are ...