Sebanyak 67 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT)

On the sharia microfinance institution BMT in Indonesia.

47 BAB III Lembaga Keuangan dalam Islam ... 51 Pendahuluan .... 51 Konsep
Lembaga Keuangan Menurut Al Qur'an ...... 53 Lembaga Keuangan pada Masa
Rasulullah SAW dan Khulafaur Rasyidin .. 55 Lembaga Keuangan Semasa ...

Prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen bank umum : penerapannya di Indonesia

kredit nasabah Rp. 2. bunga dan dividen atas surat-surat berharga Rp. 3.
penerimaan 'trust department' • Rp. 4. beban biaya administrasi rekening-
rekening ...

Perekonomian Indonesia

masalah, potensi, dan alternatif solusi

On economic conditions and policy in Indonesia.

On economic conditions and policy in Indonesia.

Prinsip-prinsip dasar manajemen bank umum

penerapannya di Indonesia

Principles and management of bank operations in Indonesia.

bukanlah merupakan satu - satunya lembaga yang berfungsi memasok kredit
bagi masyarakat . Lembaga - lembaga keuangan lainnyapun peranannya
sebagai ...

The Greatest Educators Ever

'The Greatest Educators Ever' brings together the most influential and interesting educators of all time. With entries ranging from Plato to Jesus, and Froebel to Freire, this book provides a fascinating overview of the development of educational thought through the ages.

With entries ranging from Plato to Jesus, and Froebel to Freire, this book provides a fascinating overview of the development of educational thought through the ages.

Advanced scientific Fortran

Covering topics and issues usually left untouched by standard introductory texts, this book provides a stepping stone to better, more portable and more efficient Fortran programming. It illustrates, in a clear and coherent style, some of the more advanced techniques and facilities of the language, showing how it can be used more effectively to solve practical problems involving heavy numerical computation. For programmers and students with a basic working knowledge of Fortran, the book provides an under-one-cover introduction to the principles and practice of scientific and numerical computingfrom the basics of programming techniques and style and a general discussion of mathematical software, to a detailed examination of the difficult issues which are key to more efficient Fortran programming. A thorough treatment of the subject of memory management (perhaps one of the most important determining factors for program efficiency) includes the topics of cache and paging, as well as extensive references to linear algebra, the BLAS and LAPACK. Motivated by practical programming issues rather than traditional language tuition, the book is enhanced throughout by many useful examples, with exercises and a collection of fully worked solutions adding breadth. It concludes with a brief description of the new standard, Fortran90, and an overview of High Performance Fortran, laying the foundations for further exploration of the potential of this important and successful language.

Covering topics and issues usually left untouched by standard introductory texts, this book provides a stepping stone to better, more portable and more efficient Fortran programming.

Cerita-cerita Motivasi untuk Pelajar

Himpunan cerita yang ditulis dengan gaya segar dan rangup mengenai manusia-manusia yang besar dan yang kerdil dalam dunia pendidikan.

"Mungkin selepas berpisah, mereka mendapat pasangan yang lebih cocok dan
mereka ingin melupakan kisah silam yang memedihkan. Buka buku baru, mula
hidup baru." "Sham, kalau kita terus membuat andaian, kita udak akan kemana.