Sebanyak 15 item atau buku ditemukan

Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux

Raspberry Pi is awesome, and it's Linux. And it's awesome because it's Linux. But if you've never used Linux or worked at the Linux command line before, it can be a bit daunting. Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux will tell you everything you need to know about the graphical interface and the command line so you can get started doing amazing things with Raspberry Pi. You'll learn how to set up your new Raspberry Pi with a monitor, keyboard and mouse, and you'll discover that what may look unfamiliar in Linux is really very familiar. You'll find out how to connect to the internet, change your desktop settings, and you'll get a tour of installed applications. Next, you'll take your first steps toward being a Raspberry Pi expert by learning how to get around at the Linux command line. You'll learn about different shells, including the bash shell, and commands that will make you a true power user. Finally, you'll learn how to create your first Raspberry Pi projects: Personal cloud storage with Samba on your Raspberry Pi Remote control your computers with Raspberry Pi A Raspberry Pi-based security cam and messenger service to let you know who's dropping by Raspberry Pi is an amazing little computer with tons of potential. And Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux can be your first step in unlocking that potential. What you’ll learn How to get online with Raspberry Pi How to customize your Pi's desktop environment Essential commands for putting your Pi to work Basic network services - the power behind what Pi can do How to turn your Pi into your own personal cloud storage device How to turn your Pi into a spy Who this book is for Raspberry Pi and hardware hacking enthusiasts who are new to Linux and the Linux command line.

What you’ll learn How to get online with Raspberry Pi How to customize your Pi's desktop environment Essential commands for putting your Pi to work Basic network services - the power behind what Pi can do How to turn your Pi into your own ...

EQ: Panduan Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosi

Dengan ini, kecerdasan emosi dalam bahasa Melayu jelas menunjukkan
masyarakat pe- nuturnya menghormati dan menyanjung rajanya sehingga per-
buatan bersantap bukan sekadar untuk mengenyangkan perut tetapi sesuatu
yang ...

Delphi dan Firebird Membuat Aplikasi Minimarket Client-Server

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Buku ini berisi materi pembuatan aplikasi minimarket menggunakan Delphi 2010 dan Database Firebird. Secara singkat dapat dijelaskan bahwa cakupan materi dalam buku ini meliputi sejumlah hal sebagai berikut : 1. Pembuatan Thema (Skin) pada Delphi 2010 agar mempercantik tampilan software yang kita buat dan menambah nilai jual software kita. 2. Pembuatan database dinamis menggunakan Firebird dari awal hingga pemakaian. 3. Membuat form master, penjualan, pembelian dan laporan-laporan. 4. Membuat setting database guna mendukung penerapan database dinamis. 5. Pembuatan Laporan dengan QReport. 6. Di akhir bab penulis akan sertakan cara membuat installer menggunakan Install Shield yang berguna untuk mendistribusikan software yang telah kita buat. Untuk cd penyerta bisa hubungi penulis di : 08972008647 atau 083878787801 Website : Blog :

Buku ini berisi materi pembuatan aplikasi minimarket menggunakan Delphi 2010 dan Database Firebird.