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Practical CodeIgniter 2 Projects

Building RealWorld Apps with CodeIgniter

Today's Web 2.0 is demanding more with less. CodeIgniter, an up-and-coming PHP-based Web application development framework that leaves a little footprint, rises to the challenge. Some say it's the Merb, or micro Rails-like framework, of the PHP world. CodeIgniter may be the most agile, lightweight of the PHP web frameworks, offerings exceptional performance in the applications you create with it. It requires zero configuration, has no templating language, does not require you to use command line, and has no restrictive coding rules nor large-scale monolithic libraries like PEAR. If you want something light and alternative to CakePHP, symfony, and Zend, this is it. Practical CodeIgniter 2 Projects: Building Real-World Apps with CodeIgniteris a book written to help you advance your knowledge of CodeIgniter development and promote good, productive, and rapid coding techniques and project planning in the following ways: Gives you a direct route into application development Shows useful web application project examples that you can use as templates for your real-world Web 2.0 application development endeavors Provides a paced learning strategy that enhances your skills  What you’ll learn This book guides you through the creation of four different web applications, teaching about general skills such as web authentication and more advanced techniques like Ajax. It aims to provide a grounding for you to be able to put into place your own projects and serves as a helpful resource for you to see examples put into place quickly. Immediately use CodeIgniter to create four pragmatic, real-world, web-driven PHP applications that have exceptional performance. Create a fully functional blogging application. Create a bulletin board system. Create a content management system (CMS). Build a simple e-commerce shopping cart application. Use third-party PHP web framework libraries to their full extent, as well as create your own CodeIgniter-based libraries to provide functions. Use and incorporate Ajax and web services, and find out why they are important in today's Web 2.0 environment. Who this book is for Web developers with good grounding in PHP looking for a "head-first" method into CodeIgniter.

Practical CodeIgniter 2 Projects: Building Real-World Apps with CodeIgniteris a book written to help you advance your knowledge of CodeIgniter development and promote good, productive, and rapid coding techniques and project planning in the ...

Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers

J. Fred Weston provides managers and executives with the information they need to understand essential accounting principles, from vocabulary and financial statements to cash flow and valuation. Covering balance sheets, income statements, reporting measures, and even essential ratios, this practical, in-depth book provides a one-stop, reference for all aspects of finance and accounting, and will help managers take essential steps toward making informed decisions based on the numbers they face every business day.

This hands-on book details the strategies, elements, and instruction found in today's finest business schools and executive education seminars, then outlines a step-by-step model for understanding and acting on the numbers that come across ...

VB.NET Hacks & Pranks

This study of the VB.NET programming language through hacks and pranks relates to all contemporary versions of the Windows family of operating systems, including Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003. Windows GUI, shell, and multimedia and game programming are addressed along with tricks and secrets used in development. Developers are shown how to work with the .NET framework controls, how to build custom controls for Windows and web pages, and how to create their own structures from the building blocks offered by the .NET Framework. Windows paint and draw elements are also explained, as well as how to use the built-in graphics of Windows.

This study of the VB.NET programming language through hacks and pranks relates to all contemporary versions of the Windows family of operating systems, including Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003.

Setiap Pemimpin Harus Baca Buku Ini: The New Art of the Leader

Bill Cohen sangat memahami apa yang membuat seseorang bisa menjadi seorang pemimpin hebat dibandingkan apa yang saya ketahui." Jenderal Frederick Kroesen, Mantan Komandan Angkatan Darat AS "Cohen adalah sosok yang luar biasa dalam menjunjung tinggi nilai moral dan kemanusiaan. Selain di dunia militer, cara kepemimpinan yang Cohen ajarkan juga bisa dengan mudah dipraktikkan oleh para pemimpin sipil, baik dipemerintahan maupun di dunia bisnis sektor swasta." Entrepreneur Magazine "Cohen membuat "Patokan" bagaimana cara memimpin yang baik dengan kalimat yang mudah dipahami yang kedahsyatannya bisa Anda buktikan sendiri. Cahen menyajikan contoh kasus kepemimpinan beragam kondisi, entah dalam kondisi yang baik, maupun kondisi terburuk; dari medan perang hingga keputusan krusial di tingkat petinggi perusahaan." Publishers Weekly Buku ini direkomendasikan menjadi bacaan wajib para pemimpin karena berisi beragam contoh kasus kepemimpinan dalam beragam situasi, dari medan tempur hingga pengambilan keputusan di beberapa perusahaan ternama. 8 Hukum Kepemimpinan yang diulas secara detil dalam buku ini mengedepankan nilai integritas, moral, kehormatan, dan kemanusiaan. Buku ini diharapkan menjadi "cetak-biru" yang mudah dipahami dan dipraktikkan oleh Anda yang ingin melibatkan diri dan memikul tanggung jawab sebagai pemimpin yang baik. Mayjen (Purn) Angkatan Udara A.S., William A. Cohen, Ph.D., seorang lulusan Akademi Militer West Point yang terlibat dalam berbagai pertempuran ketika aktif berdinas di Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat. Setelah pension, Cohen dipercaya memegang kepemimpinan puncak di beragam perusahaan dan organisasi, dari rektor universitas sampai presiden direktur perusahaan. Cohen salah seorang pejabat senior West Point Society, Los Angeles. Ia telah menulis lebih dari 50 judul buku bertema bisnis dan kepemimpinan. Saat ini, Cohen menjadi seorang dosen (profesor) yang membawakan mata kuliah Marketing dan Kepemimpinan di California State University, Los Angeles. -Tangga Pustaka-

Namun, berkat tindakannya ini, Marinir yang terjebak berhasil dievakuasi ke
pinggiran pulau, dan nyawa yang bisa diselamatkan pun tidak sedikit. Pada saat
tugas ini hampir selesai, pahlawan pemberani ini tewas oleh tembakan musuh.

Rahasia Sukses Membangun Kecerdasan Emosi dan Spiritual (ESQ )

Asas-asas hukum perbankan Indonesia

Study on banking law in Indonesia.

Study on banking law in Indonesia.