Sebanyak 14 item atau buku ditemukan

Etika Manajemen Perspektif Islam

Etika merupakan kode yang berisi prinsip- prinsip dan nilainilai moral yang mengatur perilaku orang atau kelompok terkait dengan apa yang benar atau salah. Etika menetukan standar sejauh mana sesuatu dalam tingkah laku dan pengambilan keputusan dianggap baik dan buruk. Etika berhubungan dengan nilai- nilai internal yang merupakan sebagian dari budaya organisasi dan membentuk keputusan mengenai tanggung jawab sosial yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan eksternal. Buku ini merupakan hasil perenungan yang dalam berkaitan dengan pengelolaan terhadap hidup, bahwa sesungguhnya segala tindakan manusia memiliki aturan atau rambu-rambu yang harus ditaati. Etika Manajemen Islam, selain mengatur rambu-rambu kehidupan agar sampai pada tujuan, menyadarkan pada kita bahwa hidup harus diorientasikan kepada Tuhan. Pelaksanaan kehidupan didasarkan pada Etika Manajemen Islam merupakan tanggung jawab tauhid umat Islam untuk menyeimbangkan (equalibrium) jiwa kemanusiaannya.

Sosial Media, faktor ini akhir-akhir menjadi penting untuk diperhatikan karena maraknya penyebaran isu hoax dan ujaran kebencian yang dilakukan disosial media. Maka faktor ini juga 294 p ...

Himpunan seminar polugri

diplomasi Indonesia menghadapi pembangunan nasional dan tantangan global : menyambut HUT ke-63 RI, 17 Agustus 2008

On international relations in politics between Indonesia and other countries; collection of seminar papers.

Pengusaha Indonesia kurang memberi perhatian pada pasar India dan terlalu
mefokuskan kepada pasar tradisional seperti Jepang , Eropa , Amerika C.
Persepsi kalangan pelaku bisnis Indonesia bahwa berdagang dengan India
sangat sulit ...

The Oxford Guide to Library Research

The information world has undergone drastic changes since the publication of the 3rd edition of The Oxford Guide to Library Research in 2005, and Thomas Mann, a veteran reference librarian at the Library of Congress, has extensively revised his text to reflect those changes. This book will answer two basic questions: First, what is the extent of the significant research resources you will you miss if you confine your research entirely, or even primarily, to sources available on the open Internet? Second, if you are trying to get a reasonably good overview of the literature on a particular topic, rather than just "something quickly" on it, what are the several alternative methods of subject searching--which are not available on the Web--that are usually much more efficient for that purpose than typing keywords into a blank search box, with the results displayed by relevance-ranking computer algorithms? This book shows researchers how to do comprehensive research on any topic. It explains the variety of search mechanisms available, so that the researcher can have the reasonable confidence that s/he has not overlooked something important. This includes not just lists of resources, but discussions of the ways to search within them: how to find the best search terms, how to combine the terms, and how to make the databases (and other sources) show relevant material even when you don't know how to specify the best search terms in advance. The book's overall structuring by nine methods of searching that are applicable in any subject area, rather than by subjects or by types of literature, is unique among guides to research. Also unique is the range and variety of concrete examples of what to do--and of what not to do. The book is not "about" the Internet: it is about the best alternatives to the Internet--the sources that are not on the open Web to begin with, that can be found only through research libraries and that are more than ever necessary for any kind of substantive scholarly research. More than any other research guide available, this book directly addresses and provides solutions to the serious problems outlined in recent studies documenting the profound lack of research skills possessed by today's "digital natives."

This book will answer two basic questions: First, what is the extent of the significant research resources you will you miss if you confine your research entirely, or even primarily, to sources available on the open Internet?

Undang-undang keluarga (Islam)

Di Melaka, Negeri Sembilan dan Wilayah Persekutuan44 terdapat peruntukan
yang menetapkan bahawa permohonan poligami hendaklah dikemukakan ke
mahkamah mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan dan disertai dengan akuan
berkanun menyatakan sebab-sebab mengapa perkahwinan itu patut dan perlu,
pendapatan pemohon ketika itu, butir-butir komitmen dan tanggungan ke-
wangannya, bilangan orang dalam tanggungan dan bakal orang dalam
tanggungannya akibat ...

Indonesia Today

Challenges of History

The turn of the century and the crossroads of reformasi presents a timely juncture for examining Indonesia's political, economic, and social history—both to evaluate current events and to chart the country's future course. Providing an up-to-date overview, this volume explores events, processes, and themes in contemporary Indonesia—including the evolution of political institutions and democracy, economic development and political economy, religious and social movements, political ideology, and the role of the armed forces. By holding a mirror to historical events, the authors add a rich dimension to our understanding of Indonesia and its problems, free from the exigencies of the present and the prejudices of the past.

Forum Keadilan (2000), 'Wawancara dengan Ja'far Umar Thalid', Forum
Keadilan, 3, 23 April, pp. 26—30. Frye ... GKI (Gereja Kristen Injil di Tanah Papua
) (2000b), Notulen: Sidang Sinode XIV GKI di Tanah Papua Tahun 2000, Sorong: