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Data Mining is an emerging technology that has made its way into science, engineering, commerce and industry as many existing inference methods are obsolete for dealing with massive datasets that get accumulated in data warehouses. This comprehensive and up-to-date text aims at providing the reader with sufficient information about data mining methods and algorithms so that they can make use of these methods for solving real-world problems. The authors have taken care to include most of the widely used methods in data mining with simple examples so as to make the text ideal for classroom learning. To make the theory more comprehensible to the students, many illustrations have been used, and this in turn explains how certain parameters of interest change as the algorithm proceeds. Designed as a textbook for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer science, information technology, and master of computer applications, the book can also be used for MBA courses in Data Mining in Business, Business Intelligence, Marketing Research, and Health Care Management. Students of Bioinformatics will also find the text extremely useful. CD-ROM INCLUDE’ The accompanying CD contains Large collection of datasets. Animation on how to use WEKA and ExcelMiner to do data mining.

Students of Bioinformatics will also find the text extremely useful. CD-ROM INCLUDE’ The accompanying CD contains Large collection of datasets. Animation on how to use WEKA and ExcelMiner to do data mining.

Buku Sakti Webmaster (PHP & MySQL, HTML & CSS, HTML 5 & CSS3, JavaScript)

Peraturan Kepala BKN no. 1 tahun 2013 tentang ketentuan pelaksanaan penilaian prestasi kerja pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) dan pedoman penyusunan standar operasional prosedur administrasi pemerintahan (Permenpan dan Reformasi Birokrasi no. 35 tahun 2012)

dilengkapi PP no. 46 tahun 2011 tentang penilaian prestasi kerja pegawai negeri sipil (PNS), Permenpan dan Reformasi Birokrasi no. 36 tahun 2012 tentang petunjuk teknis penyusunan, penetapan, dan penerapan standar pelayanan, Permenpan no. 30 tahun 2012 ttg pedoman pengusulan, penetapan, dan pembinaan reformasi birokrasi pada pemda, Permenpan no. 40 tahun 2012 tentang jabatan fungsional auditor kepegawaian dan angka kreditnya

Collection of regulations concerning job evaluation of civil service employees in Indonesia.

Collection of regulations concerning job evaluation of civil service employees in Indonesia.

Sourcebook of the World's Religions

An Interfaith Guide to Religion and Spirituality

Now in its third edition, this is the most comprehensive work available on the rich variety of paths available to today's spiritual seekers. More than an academic reference, it explores how religions can collaborate to help the world. Essays exploring the realm of building an interfaith community add to the book's detailed portraits of the major religious traditions. The Sourcebook also contains essays on spiritual practices as diverse as theosophy, wicca, and indigenous religions. This revised edition of the Sourcebook offers an unparalleled look at where spirituality is headed in the coming millennium.

... 5820 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Used with permission. Fox,
Selena. “A Guide to Nature Spirituality Terms,” copyright © 1994 Selena Fox.
Used with permission. GAIA Books Ltd. The Gaia Atlas of First Peoples by Julian

Pendidikan nilai moral dalam dimensi pendidikan kewarganegaraan

menyambut 70 tahun Prof. Drs. H.A. Kosasih Djahiri

Impact of civic education programs on character development in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Achmad Kosasih Djahiri, an Indonesian educator.

Impact of civic education programs on character development in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Achmad Kosasih Djahiri, an Indonesian educator.

The Anthropology of Islam Reader

The Anthropology of Islam Reader brings together a rich variety of ethnographic work, offering an insight into various forms of Islam as practiced in different geographic, social, and cultural contexts. Topics explored include Ramadan and the Hajj, the Feast of Sacrifice, and the representation of Islam. An extensive introduction and bibliography helps students develop their understanding of the variety of methodological and theoretical approaches involved in the anthropological study of Islam. In his selections, Jens Kreinath highlights the diversity of practices and themes that were formative for this field of study, making this essential reading for students of Islam at undergraduate and graduate level.

The Anthropology of Islam Reader brings together a rich variety of ethnographic work, offering an insight into various forms of Islam as practiced in different geographic, social, and cultural contexts.


Modellierung, Entwicklung und Verifikation mit Verilog

Einerseits werden die Konzepte der Rechner-Technik dargestellt, andererseits aber auch gezeigt, wie sich diese Konzepte mit Hilfe der Hardware-beschreibungssprache Verilog realisieren lassen. Die dabei benötigten Konstrukte von Verilog werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Dadurch wird es dem Leser ermöglicht, die vermittelten theoretischen Inhalte unmittelbar praktisch nachzuvollziehen.

Eine Architektur, bei der Programm und Daten in derselben Einheit
abgespeichert werden, wird üblicherweise als VonNeumann-Architektur1
bezeichnet. Die nächste Abbildung zeigt den Ablauf einer Rechnung innerhalb
der CPU. Hier sehen ...