Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Handbook of Research on Strategic Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry

Customer satisfaction is a pivotal component to any business that provides goods or services to the public. By effectively managing the flow of products, business can adapt to the growing demands of consumers and deliver successful customer service. The Handbook of Research on Strategic Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on properly managing business processes in order to satisfy end-user requirements and increase competitive advantage in the retail marketplace. Highlighting concepts relating to field applications, customer relationships, and current trends in logistics management, this book is ideally designed for business professionals, managers, upper-level students, and researchers interested in innovative strategies and best practices in modern supply chains.

The Handbook of Research on Strategic Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on properly managing business processes in order to satisfy end-user requirements ...

Essential Readings in Management Learning

This collection provides readings grouped under six key headings: organizational learning and learning organizations; individual learning; learning and new technology; critical approaches to management education; pedagogical practice; and globalization and management learning.

Equally, much of the mainstream is concerned to produce alternative techniques,
for instance soft systems methodologies (Wilson, 1984) in contrast to traditional
systems analysis, or 'flat' organizational design which rejects traditional ...

The Ruby Programming Language

A guide to Ruby programming covers such topics as datatypes and objects, expressions, classes and modules, control structures, and the Ruby platform.

A guide to Ruby programming covers such topics as datatypes and objects, expressions, classes and modules, control structures, and the Ruby platform.

Head First Rails

A Learner's Companion to Ruby on Rails

With the bestselling Head First approach, web application developers quickly learn how to build database-centric applications using the Rails framework.

With the bestselling Head First approach, web application developers quickly learn how to build database-centric applications using the Rails framework.