Sebanyak 16 item atau buku ditemukan

Lembaga jaminan kebendaan pesawat udara Indonesia ditinjau dari hukum udara

an air law perspective

... objek jaminan ( collateral ) yang tidak terlalu diminati oleh pihak bank dan lembaga keuangan pada umumnya . ... Untuk Republik Indonesia perlu dikaitkan dengan Undang - Undang No.4 tahun 1967 tentang Undang - Undang Pokok Perbankan ...

Pendidikan kependudukan

kumpulan pokok bahasan untuk mahasiswa IKIP, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan Fakultas Keguruan

( 3 ) Pertambahan anggota keluarga yang tidak terkendalikan akan mempengaruhi keadaan keluarga itu sendiri khususnya ... Suatu ikhtiar atau usaha manusia wi untuk mengatur kehamilan dalam keluarga secara tidak melawan hukum Agama .

Fisika Dasar Teori, Soal, dan Penyelesaian

  • ISBN 13 : 9786230104398
  • Judul : Fisika Dasar Teori, Soal, dan Penyelesaian
  • Pengarang : Philip Kristanto,  
  • Penerbit : ANDI
  • Klasifikasi : 530 KRI f
  • Call Number : 530 KRI f PHI f
  • Bahasa : Indonesia
  • Edisi : 1
  • Penaklikan : x, 434 hlm.; 19 x 23 cm
  • Tahun : 2020
  • Halaman : 434
  • Ketersediaan :
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    (PNJ-002-00012225) Dipinjam sampai 01-04-2024 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    (PNJ-002-00012214) Dipinjam sampai 01-04-2024 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Handbook of Research on Securing Cloud-Based Databases with Biometric Applications

Cloud technologies have revolutionized the way we store information and perform various computing tasks. With the rise of this new technology, the ability to secure information stored on the cloud becomes a concern. The Handbook of Research on Securing Cloud-Based Databases with Biometric Applications explores the latest innovations in promoting cloud security through human authentication techniques. Exploring methods of access by identification, including the analysis of facial features, fingerprints, DNA, dental characteristics, and voice patterns, this publication is designed especially for IT professionals, academicians, and upper-level students seeking current research surrounding cloud security.

In an effort to address the array of security and authentication issues in the cloud
environment, the use of biometric parameter-based security mechanisms are
exponentially increasing. This book starts with basic concepts of Bigdata
computing strategies and takes readers through the cloud computing security
issues and architecture, biometric authentication, NoSQL database, cloud
database security issues and challenges, efficient KDC scheme to support
dynamic scalability on ...

Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Second Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD'98, Melbourne, Australia, April 15-17, 1998, Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD-98, held in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1998. The book presents 30 revised full papers selected from a total of 110 submissions; also included are 20 poster presentations. The papers contribute new results to all current aspects in knowledge discovery and data mining on the research level as well as on the level of systems development. Among the areas covered are machine learning, information systems, the Internet, statistics, knowledge acquisition, data visualization, software reengineering, and knowledge based systems.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD-98, held in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1998.

Contrast Data Mining

Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications

A Fruitful Field for Researching Data Mining Methodology and for Solving Real-Life Problems Contrast Data Mining: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications collects recent results from this specialized area of data mining that have previously been scattered in the literature, making them more accessible to researchers and developers in data mining and other fields. The book not only presents concepts and techniques for contrast data mining, but also explores the use of contrast mining to solve challenging problems in various scientific, medical, and business domains. Learn from Real Case Studies of Contrast Mining Applications In this volume, researchers from around the world specializing in architecture engineering, bioinformatics, computer science, medicine, and systems engineering focus on the mining and use of contrast patterns. They demonstrate many useful and powerful capabilities of a variety of contrast mining techniques and algorithms, including tree-based structures, zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams, data cube representations, and clustering algorithms. They also examine how contrast mining is used in leukemia characterization, discriminative gene transfer and microarray analysis, computational toxicology, spatial and image data classification, voting analysis, heart disease prediction, crime analysis, understanding customer behavior, genetic algorithms, and network security.

Contrast data mining is an important and focused subarea of data mining. Its aim
is to find interesting contrast patterns that describe significant differences
between datasets satisfying various contrasting conditions. The contrasting
conditions ...

Analisis hasil penelitian arkeologi empat, Kuningan, 10-16 September 1991

Prehistoric metallurgy of Indonesia; conference on results of archaeological research.

KEPUSTAKAAN Bambang Harsrinuksmo dan S Lumintu 1988 "Keris dan
Senjata Tradisional lainnya", Ensiklopedi Budaya Nasional, Jakarta: ... Parmono
Atmadi 1979 "Beberapa Patokan Perancangan Bangunan Candi", Pelita


a structured, disciplined style