Sebanyak 21 item atau buku ditemukan

Central Bank Financial Strength and Policy Performance

An Econometric Evaluation

The financial health of central banks and its relation to policy outcomes has recently been recognized as an important policy issue. While case study evidence clearly indicates that weak central bank finances can hamper effective policy implementation, the question of whether central bank financial strength influences policy performance remains controversial. This is due, in part, to a lack of econometric evidence. The paper presents a first step toward filling this gap, by providing a quantitative evaluation of the relationship between measures of central bank financial strength and policy performance, in particular inflation. The paper''s major finding is that there indeed is a negative relationship between central bank financial strength and inflation outcomes. This relationship appears to be robust to the choice of alternative country samples, control variables, estimation strategies, and conceptualizations of central bank financial strength.

This is due, in part, to a lack of econometric evidence.

Panduan wisata geologi Bandung Utara

Tourist guide to the geology of Bandung Utara, Jawa Barat Province.

... Melange Bantimala, Sulawesi Selatan; Field Trip Proyek Panas Bumi Patuha,
Jawa Barat; Field Trip Pengamatan Aktivitas G. Merapi, Jawa Tengah; Field Trip
Proyek Panas Bumi G. Salak, Jawa Barat; serta Field Trip Unit Penambangan
Emas Pongkor, Jawa Barat. Karya tulis yang pernah dibuatnya selain buku
Panduan wisata geologi ini adalah Geologi dan Studi Ubahan Hidrotermal
Daerah Batu Pangah, Kec. Likupang, Kab. Minahasa, Prop. Sulawesi Utara (
skripsi); Geowisata, ...

Wind Turbine Generator System Duration Test Report for the Gaia-Wind 11 KW Wind Turbine

This test was conducted as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Independent Testing project. This project was established to help reduce the barriers of wind energy expansion by providing independent testing results for small turbines. In total, five turbines are being tested at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NRELs) National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) as a part of this project. Duration testing is one of up to five tests that may be performed on the turbines, including power performance, safety and function, noise, and power quality tests. The results of the testing will provide the manufacturers with reports that may be used for small wind turbine certification. The test equipment includes a Gaia-Wind 11 kW wind turbine mounted on an 18 m monopole tower. Gaia-Wind Ltd. manufactured the turbine in Denmark, although the company is based in Scotland. The system was installed by the NWTC Site Operations group with guidance and assistance from Gaia-Wind.

Gaia-Wind Ltd. manufactured the turbine in Denmark, although the company is based in Scotland. The system was installed by the NWTC Site Operations group with guidance and assistance from Gaia-Wind.

Tata krama dan tata cara periklanan Indonesia yang disempurnakan

Pengertian Tata Krama dan Tata Cara Periklanan Indonesia, harus ditafsirkan
baik dalam kerangka isi, maupun dalam kaitan semangat dan jiwanya. 2.
Pelaksanaan Tata Krama dan Tata Cara Periklanan Indonesia dilakukan oleh
setiap ...