Sebanyak 17 item atau buku ditemukan

Sejarah pendidikan Kristen di tanah Batak

suatu telaah historis-teologis atas perjumpaan orang Batak dengan zending (khususnya RMG) di bidang pendidikan, 1861-1940

87 Pada konferensi guru di Sibolga 1886 , misalnya , ada tiga guru yang menyajikan makalah : ( 1 ) Kilian : Kehidupan ... dan apa kekhasannya dibandingkan dengan pendidikan anak pada agama lain ; ( 2 ) Philippus : Bagaimana seorang raja ...

Multivariate Time Series Analysis

With R and Financial Applications

An accessible guide to the multivariate time series toolsused in numerous real-world applications Multivariate Time Series Analysis: With R and FinancialApplications is the much anticipated sequel coming from one ofthe most influential and prominent experts on the topic of timeseries. Through a fundamental balance of theory and methodology,the book supplies readers with a comprehensible approach tofinancial econometric models and their applications to real-worldempirical research. Differing from the traditional approach to multivariate timeseries, the book focuses on reader comprehension by emphasizingstructural specification, which results in simplified parsimoniousVAR MA modeling. Multivariate Time Series Analysis: With R andFinancial Applications utilizes the freely available Rsoftware package to explore complex data and illustrate relatedcomputation and analyses. Featuring the techniques and methodologyof multivariate linear time series, stationary VAR models, VAR MAtime series and models, unitroot process, factor models, andfactor-augmented VAR models, the book includes: • Over 300 examples and exercises to reinforce thepresented content • User-friendly R subroutines and research presentedthroughout to demonstrate modern applications • Numerous datasets and subroutines to provide readerswith a deeper understanding of the material Multivariate Time Series Analysis is an ideal textbookfor graduate-level courses on time series and quantitative financeand upper-undergraduate level statistics courses in time series.The book is also an indispensable reference for researchers andpractitioners in business, finance, and econometrics.

An accessible guide to the multivariate time series tools used in numerous real-world applications Multivariate Time Series Analysis: With R and Financial Applications is the much anticipated sequel coming from one of the most influential ...

Seminar pembangunan hukum nasional VIII, Bali, 14-18 Juli 2003

Enforcement of law related to sustainable development in Indonesia.

Dari sisi kepentingan untuk pencapaian tugas Bank Indonesia , mengingat sektor perbankan masih mendominasi ... di bidang pinjaman luar negeri , lembaga keuangan non - bank , dan pasar modal merupakan kewenangan Depertemen Keuangan .

Cyber-Assurance for the Internet of Things

Presents an Cyber-Assurance approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) This book discusses the cyber-assurance needs of the IoT environment, highlighting key information assurance (IA) IoT issues and identifying the associated security implications. Through contributions from cyber-assurance, IA, information security and IoT industry practitioners and experts, the text covers fundamental and advanced concepts necessary to grasp current IA issues, challenges, and solutions for the IoT. The future trends in IoT infrastructures, architectures and applications are also examined. Other topics discussed include the IA protection of IoT systems and information being stored, processed or transmitted from unauthorized access or modification of machine-2-machine (M2M) devices, radio-frequency identification (RFID) networks, wireless sensor networks, smart grids, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The book also discusses IA measures necessary to detect, protect, and defend IoT information and networks/systems to ensure their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentially, and non-repudiation. Discusses current research and emerging trends in IA theory, applications, architecture and information security in the IoT based on theoretical aspects and studies of practical applications Aids readers in understanding how to design and build cyber-assurance into the IoT Exposes engineers and designers to new strategies and emerging standards, and promotes active development of cyber-assurance Covers challenging issues as well as potential solutions, encouraging discussion and debate amongst those in the field Cyber-Assurance for the Internet of Things is written for researchers and professionals working in the field of wireless technologies, information security architecture, and security system design. This book will also serve as a reference for professors and students involved in IA and IoT networking. Tyson T. Brooks is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University; he also works with the Center for Information and Systems Assurance and Trust (CISAT) at Syracuse University, and is an information security technologist and science-practitioner. Dr. Brooks is the founder/Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance, an associate editor for the Journal of Enterprise Architecture, the International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science, and the International Journal of Information and Network Security.

Presents an Cyber-Assurance approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) This book discusses the cyber-assurance needs of the IoT environment, highlighting key information assurance (IA) IoT issues and identifying the associated security ...

Sintong Panjaitan, perjalanan seorang prajurit para komando

Role of Sintong Panjaitan, a retired lieutenant general and former chief of the Special Forces Command in political turmoil in Indonesia.

Role of Sintong Panjaitan, a retired lieutenant general and former chief of the Special Forces Command in political turmoil in Indonesia.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook

Database professionals will find that this new edition aids in mastering the latest version of Microsoft’s SQL Server. Developers and database administrators (DBAs) use SQL on a daily basis in application development and the subsequent problem solving and fine tuning. Answers to SQL issues can be quickly located helping the DBA or developer optimize and tune a database to maximum efficiency. Basic questions are easily located on the topics of filtering, sorting, operators, conditionals, pseudo columns, single row functions, joins, grouping functions, sub queries, composite queries, hierarchies, flashback queries, parallel queries, expressions and regular expressions. Assistance on DML, data types (including collections), XML, DDL for basic database objects such as tales, views and indexes, partitioning, and security is also considered. * Identifies and discusses the most common issues database administrators (DBAs) face day-to-day *Provides DBAs with solutions actually used by the authors in enterprise environments *Explores new features which add more control but reduce performance

Some SQL Server database choices are architectural ones. A database
architectural choice is essentially an additional option, as well as the basic SQL
Server 2005 database engine. For example, a decision to use replication to
either distribute or ensure failover capability is a software architectural choice. It's
not always the case, but most often, the overall objective of using add on options,
such as replication, is all about availability and scalability. Making a database
more available ...

Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part II

14th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2010, Hyderabad, India, June 21-24, 2010, Proceedings

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2010, held in Hyderabad, India, in June 2010.

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2010, held in Hyderabad, India, in June 2010.

The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources

The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources covers the essential topics students need to understand environmental and resource problems and their possible solutions. Its unique lecture format provides an in-depth exploration of discrete topics, ideal for upper-level undergraduate, graduate or doctoral study. Each chapter depicts the key theoretical insights, major issues, and real-life problems that motivate the subject. In addition, the chapters feature practical applications and case studies, a list of annotated further reading, and extensive references. Offers broad treatment of issues in Environmental and Resource Economics. Provides in-depth exploration of a wide range of topics with its unique lecture format. Depicts key theoretical insights, major issues, and real-life problems for each subject. Features case studies, annotated further reading, extensive references, and a detailed glossary.

Capital can appreciate by investments (including investments in the natural
capital stock) and can depreciate through production (output generation and
input use) as well as exogenous pollution effects (At). The firm maximizes profits
over ...