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Penanganan Segar Hortikultura Untuk Penyimpanan dan Pemasaran

Buku ini juga menguraikan tentang pentingnya potensi bunga potong dan kelengkapan rangkaian bunga yang sebenarnya sangat potensial untuk dieksplorasi menjadi komoditi di Indonesia karena pengusahaannya dapat dilakukan sepanjang tahun (bukan seperti di negara sub tropis, tidak mungkin sepanjang tahun), di Indonesia belum banyak mendapat perhatian. Semoga para pembaca buku ini setelah memahami permasalahan dan mengetahui solusinya dapat lebih fokus dalam usaha penanganan segar komoditi hortikultura asli Indonesia yang ragamnya sangat banyak dan berpotensi menjadi komoditas dunia apalagi bila pemerintah menyediakan fasilitas rantaipenanganan dingin untuk komoditi hortikultura ini di pengangkutan laut maupun udara. Niscaya eksotika Indonesia akan merajai komoditas hortikultura dunia Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup

lanjutan ... Kelompok 3. Buah dan sayur, 0o2oC (32o36oF), 65–75% RH.
Kelembaban dapat merusak komoditas ini. Bawang putih Bawang, kering
Kelompok 4. Buah dan sayur, 4,5oC (40oF), 90–95% RH. Daun kaktus Lemon1
Tamarillo Pir ...

Building a Data Warehouse

With Examples in SQL Server

Building a Data Warehouse: With Examples in SQL Server describes how to build a data warehouse completely from scratch and shows practical examples on how to do it. Author Vincent Rainardi also describes some practical issues he has experienced that developers are likely to encounter in their first data warehousing project, along with solutions and advice. The relational database management system (RDBMS) used in the examples is SQL Server; the version will not be an issue as long as the user has SQL Server 2005 or later. The book is organized as follows. In the beginning of this book (chapters 1 through 6), you learn how to build a data warehouse, for example, defining the architecture, understanding the methodology, gathering the requirements, designing the data models, and creating the databases. Then in chapters 7 through 10, you learn how to populate the data warehouse, for example, extracting from source systems, loading the data stores, maintaining data quality, and utilizing the metadata. After you populate the data warehouse, in chapters 11 through 15, you explore how to present data to users using reports and multidimensional databases and how to use the data in the data warehouse for business intelligence, customer relationship management, and other purposes. Chapters 16 and 17 wrap up the book: After you have built your data warehouse, before it can be released to production, you need to test it thoroughly. After your application is in production, you need to understand how to administer data warehouse operation. What you’ll learn A detailed understanding of what it takes to build a data warehouse The implementation code in SQL Server to build the data warehouse Dimensional modeling, data extraction methods, data warehouse loading, populating dimension and fact tables, data quality, data warehouse architecture, and database design Practical data warehousing applications such as business intelligence reports, analytics applications, and customer relationship management Who this book is for There are three audiences for the book. The first are the people who implement the data warehouse. This could be considered a field guide for them. The second is database users/admins who want to get a good understanding of what it would take to build a data warehouse. Finally, the third audience is managers who must make decisions about aspects of the data warehousing task before them and use the book to learn about these issues.

For example, data definition metadata helps new users understand the meaning
of each fact and dimension attribute, along with its sample values. Data definition
metadata also helps avoid misunderstanding among existing users about the ...

The Oxford Guide to Plays

Ideal for students, scholars, theatre professionals, amateur drama enthusiasts and theatre-goers, The Oxford Guide to Plays provides essential information including title, author, dates of composition and first performance, genre, composition of the cast, plot synopsis and a brief commentary on 1,000 of the best-loved and most important plays in world theatre. An index of characters helps the reader to find particular characters and to trace the trajectory of major historical and legendary characters, and an index of playwrights enables the reader to find details of all the plays included by the author. The most significant plays - from The Oresteia to Waiting for Godot - are dealt with in more detail.

Ideal for students, scholars, theatre professionals, amateur drama enthusiasts and theatre-goers, The Oxford Guide to Plays provides essential information including title, author, dates of composition and first performance, genre, ...

Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second Edition

Most textbooks on business process management focus on either the nuts and bolts of computer simulation or the managerial aspects of business processes. Covering both technical and managerial aspects of business process management, Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second Edition presents the tools to design effective business processes and the management techniques to operate them efficiently. New to the Second Edition Three completely revised chapters that incorporate ExtendSim 8 An introduction to simulation A chapter on business process analytics Developed from the authors’ many years of teaching process design and simulation courses, the text provides students with a thorough understanding of numerous analytical tools that can be used to model, analyze, design, manage, and improve business processes. It covers a wide range of approaches, including discrete event simulation, graphical flowcharting tools, deterministic models for cycle time analysis and capacity decisions, analytical queuing methods, and data mining. Unlike other operations management books, this one emphasizes user-friendly simulation software as well as business processes, rather than only manufacturing processes or general operations management problems. Taking an analytical modeling approach to process design, this book illustrates the power of simulation modeling as a vehicle for analyzing and designing business processes. It teaches how to apply process simulation and discusses the managerial implications of redesigning processes. The ExtendSim software is available online and ancillaries are available for instructors.

323 8.12 Modeling Routing in Multiple Paths and Parallel Paths................................
..... 325 ... 329 8.13 Model Documentation and Enhancements. .... Different
Process Designs................ 376 9.6 Modeling and Analysis of Process-Design

Digital Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation

Analysis, Restoration, and Reconstruction of Ancient Artworks

This edition presents the most prominent topics and applications of digital image processing, analysis, and computer graphics in the field of cultural heritage preservation. The text assumes prior knowledge of digital image processing and computer graphics fundamentals. Each chapter contains a table of contents, illustrations, and figures that elucidate the presented concepts in detail, as well as a chapter summary and a bibliography for further reading. Well-known experts cover a wide range of topics and related applications, including spectral imaging, automated restoration, computational reconstruction, digital reproduction, and 3D models.

[2] B. Hill, “Color capture, color management and the problem of metamerism:
Does multispectral imaging offer the solution?,” in Proc. IS&T/SPIE Dev. –
Independent Color, Color Hardcopy and Graphics Arts V, pp. 2–14, 2000. [3] R.
Berns, L.