Sebanyak 26 item atau buku ditemukan

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Makanan Tradisional

Publicity of traditional food, food habit, etc. in Indonesia; proceedings of seminar.

Hubungan Pusat dan Cabang Hubungan antara pusat dan cabang usaha pada
perdagang an soto ayam lombok ini merupakan bisnis keluarga , artinya
terbentuknya cabang penjualan Soto Lombok di Jalan . Raya Tlogomas
Kotamadia ...

The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs

The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs, the first of its kind, provides a current overview of recent research on the Aztec empire, the best documented prehispanic society in the Americas. Chapters span from the establishment of Aztec city-states to the encounter with the Spanish empire and the Colonial period that shaped the modern world. Articles in the Handbook take up new research trends and methodologies and current debates. The Handbook articles are divided into seven parts. Part I, Archaeology of the Aztecs, introduces the Aztecs, as well as Aztec studies today, including the recent practice of archaeology, ethnohistory, museum studies, and conservation. The articles in Part II, Historical Change, provide a long-term view of the Aztecs starting with important predecessors, the development of Aztec city-states and imperialism, and ending with a discussion of the encounter of the Aztec and Spanish empires. Articles also discuss Aztec notions of history, writing, and time. Part III, Landscapes and Places, describes the Aztec world in terms of its geography, ecology, and demography at varying scales from households to cities. Part IV, Economic and Social Relations in the Aztec Empire, discusses the ethnic complexity of the Aztec world and social and economic relations that have been a major focus of archaeology. Articles in Part V, Aztec Provinces, Friends, and Foes, focuses on the Aztec's dynamic relations with distant provinces, and empires and groups that resisted conquest, and even allied with the Spanish to overthrow the Aztec king. This is followed by Part VI, Ritual, Belief, and Religion, which examines the different beliefs and rituals that formed Aztec religion and their worldview, as well as the material culture of religious practice. The final section of the volume, Aztecs after the Conquest, carries the Aztecs through the post-conquest period, an increasingly important area of archaeological work, and considers the place of the Aztecs in the modern world.

Articles in the Handbook take up new research trends and methodologies and current debates. The Handbook articles are divided into seven parts.

Clearly Visual Basic: Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2012

Learning to program with Microsoft Visual Basic has never been easier! CLEARLY VISUAL BASIC: PROGRAMMING WITH MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2012, 3E by best-selling programming author Diane Zak uses a simple, proven, step-by-step approach that’s ideal for learning your first programming language. No prior programming experience is required. Clear, brief chapters introduce the latest Visual Basic 2012 -- today’s most popular Microsoft programming language -- in small, manageable segments without cumbersome technical jargon. This easy-to-follow book focuses on the fundamentals to ensure you master essential programming and problem-solving skills that can easily transfer to other languages. This innovative text uses visualization and application to introduce the basics. Engaging figures emphasize important programming concepts, while memorable new examples place concepts into meaningful context. Expanded, new exercises let you apply what you’re learning, while mini-quizzes help you check your understanding. The Read This Before You Begin section provides the technical information you need in one place and additional Want More Info? PDF files let you view extra examples and further explanations as you need them. Trust CLEARLY VISUAL BASIC: PROGRAMMING WITH MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2012, 3E for the straight-forward approach to Visual Basic that you need for programming success. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This innovative text uses visualization and application to introduce the basics. Engaging figures emphasize important programming concepts, while memorable new examples place concepts into meaningful context.

Studi Islam Komprehensif

Buku ini menyajikan semua substansi di atas dengan kelebihan tertentu, antara lain: Pertama, menjelaskan pengertian, sumber, prinsip, visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran, karateristik, pokok dan macam studi Islam yang diajarkan di berbagai Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam (PTAI) yang berbasis pada ayat-ayat qauliyah (wahyu), juga menjelaskan hubungan ajaran Islam dengan berbagai disiplin ilmu modern yang berbasis pada ayat-ayat kauniyah. Kedua, lengkapinya dengan berbagai informasi yang belum dikaji secara mendalam dalam berbagai referensi studi Islam yang pernah diterbitkan. Ketiga, membantu mewujudkan pemahaman Islam yang holistis, integrated, dan komprehensif (kaffah) sejalan dengan ajaran Al-Quran dan Sunah, serta dapat membangun citra Islam sebagai agama kemanusiaan, kedamaian, dan cinta kasih. Keempat, membuka wawasan pemikiran untuk mengartikulasikan dan mengkontekstualisasikan ajaran Islam dengan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat. Kelima, melalui pemahaman Islam yang komprehensif yang disajikan dalam buku ini pada akhirnya dapat melahirkan ulama yang intelek dan intelek yang ulama, yang berwawasan komprehensif dan holistis. -PrenadaMedia

ajaran yang berkaitan dengan masalah akidah, ibadah, akhlak, dan muamalah:
sosial, ekonomi, politik, hukum, pendidikan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup, dan
lain sebagainya. Namun demikian, sebagian besar ayatayat AlQur'an yang ...

Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 4th Edition

You can't truly understand Systems Analysis and Design by only reading about it; you have to do it. In Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, Dennis, Wixom, and Tegarden offer a hands-on approach to actually doing SAD. Building on their experience as professional systems analysts and award-winning teachers, these three authors capture the experience of actually developing and analyzing systems. They focus on the core set of skills that all analysts must possess--from gathering requirements and modeling business needs, to creating blueprints for how the system should be built.

You can't truly understand Systems Analysis and Design by only reading about it; you have to do it. In Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, Dennis, Wixom, and Tegarden offer a hands-on approach to actually doing SAD.

Muhammad #3

Sang Pewaris Hujan

Saya datang kemari dalam sebuah misi yang sangat penting. Saya perlu mengetahui sebanyak-banyaknya peninggalan tertulis Pendeta Bahira, perihal Nabi yang Dijanjikan. Tolong saya. Pesan dari Elyas semakin membuat Kashva bingung akan keberadaan sahabatnya itu. Dia mencari Elyas dari Suriah hingga ke Yerusalem, hanya untuk mendapati kedua kota itu telah takluk oleh tentara Islam. Adalah 'Umar bin Khattab yang telah menaklukkan keduanya tanpa pertumpahan darah. Sang Khalifah bahkan melarang perusakan terhadap rumah-rumah ibadah di tanah taklukannya. Kemuliaan 'Umar menggetarkan hati Kashva sehingga dia memutuskan untuk mengikuti sang Khalifah sampai ke Madinah. Namun, keselamatan Kashva justru terancam di kota itu. Keberaniannya menentang Hurmuzan-seorang bangsawan Persia pengkhianat yang masuk Islam hanya demi keselamatan dirinya sendiri-membuat Kashva diburu. Sementara itu, Elyas ternyata masih hidup meski dalam keadaan terluka. Dia berada di Aleksandria, Mesir, tempat di mana perang akan segera meletus. Elyas menjadi saksi kemurkaan Kaisar Heraklius, serta kemustahilan di mana hanya ada empat ribu tentara Islam yang melawan dua puluh ribu tentara Bizantium. Di tengah suasana yang tengah memanas, akankah Elyas menemukan jawaban perihal Muhammad, sang Nabi yang Dijanjikan tersebut? [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Seri Muhammad, Novel, Biografi, Tasaro GK, Islam, Indonesia]

Di tengah suasana yang tengah memanas, akankah Elyas menemukan jawaban perihal Muhammad, sang Nabi yang Dijanjikan tersebut? [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Seri Muhammad, Novel, Biografi, Tasaro GK, Islam, Indonesia]

Essentials of Economics

Now readers can master the basics of economics with the help of the most popular introductory book in economics today that is widely used around the world -- Mankiw’s ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMICS, 8E. With its clear and engaging writing style, this book emphasizes only the key material that readers are likely to find most interesting about the economy, particularly if they are studying economics for the very first time. Reader discover interesting coverage of the latest relevant economic developments with real-life scenarios, useful economic facts, and clear explanations of the many ways essential economic concepts play a role in the decisions that individuals make every day. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

With its clear and engaging writing style, this book emphasizes only the key material that readers are likely to find most interesting about the economy, particularly if they are studying economics for the very first time.