Sebanyak 33 item atau buku ditemukan

Silap Mata Sains - Di Bilik Air

... tatu pada badannya. Jenazah King Harold, iaitu pahlawan Perang Hastings
telah dikenal pasti melalui tatu yang terdapat pada badannya. FAKTA TENTANG
GIGI Adakah kamu menyukai gula? Bukan kamu seorang. Bab4 Menjadi bersih.

The Invaders

When we imagine establishing contact with an alien race, we usually assume that the interstellar interlopers would be light-years ahead of us in terms of technological sophistication. But what if our new alien acquaintances were astoundingly average in their appearance and intellect? That's the premise of "The Invaders," a tale from Murray Leinster that puts a new spin on the first contact genre of science fiction.

Greek newspapers had splashed lurid headlines of a rumored invasion by
Bulgarians, and their rumored defeat. The story was not widely copied. It
sounded too unlikely. In a few hours it would be time for a new set of newspapers
to begin to appear. Not one of them would print a single word about the most
important disclosure in human history: that extra-terrestrial Invaders moved
blandly about among human beings without being suspected. The newspapers
didn't know it. On inside ...

Perencanaan tenaga kerja nasional (PTKN) Repelita VII.

Keadaan ini menunjukkan indikasi bahwa dengan berlakunya AFTA akan terjadi
persaingan ketat di antara negara-negara angota ASEAN, dan hanya negara
yang mempunyai keunggulan bersaing tinggi akan berhasil menguasai pangsa
pasar. 2. Pembentukan pengembangan vvilayah pembangunan (growth area)
ASEAN. Antara negara-negara ASEAN terdapat kesepakatan untuk membentuk
wilayah pembangunan seperti : Segitiga Utara -IMT-GT (Indonesia, Ma- laysia
dan ...

From Dialogue to Epilogue Marxism and Catholicism Tomorrow

This is an authentic book. Its style fits its situation. The encounter between Marxism and Catholicism was yesterday diatribe, is today dialogue, and tomorrow will be epilogue. The virtue of Father Adelmann's writing is to make us aware that we are in via. Happenings are everywhere, not just in hippieland. In Salzburg and South Bend, in Chiem see and Cambridge conversations are going on - conversations that are no less than con fessions. For Catholics and Marxists are listening to each other and are changing their minds. It has been the peculiar good fortune of the author of this book to have been both recorder and participant in these changes. He has experienced the transition from diatribe to dialogue in his own thoughts and feelings, and he has here written not an outsider's account, but an insider's recounting. He is not simply this volume's author, but also one of its case of characters. Hence the style of his writing is apperceptively autobiographical. It fits the situation. He is a character in a play, who is also that drama's author. His essay, then, is not simply a discussion of the relation between Catholicism and Marxism today, but is a contribution to ward a new relation between them and tomorrow.

This is an authentic book. Its style fits its situation. The encounter between Marxism and Catholicism was yesterday diatribe, is today dialogue, and tomorrow will be epilogue.