Sebanyak 29 item atau buku ditemukan

Indikator sosial budaya dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam secara lestari

Sociocultural indicators of natural resources management in Indonesia.

... angkutan, pergudangan, dan komunikasi; lembaga keuangan, real estat,
usaha persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan; jasa ... menjadi perdagangan besar
dan eceran, reparasi mobil, sepeda motor, serta barang-barang keperluan
pribadi dan ...

Barcode Killers

The Slipknot Story in Words and Pictures

The hottest new act from America, voted best new band in Kerrang, Rock Sounds, Rolling Stone and Metal Hammer 1999). Includes interview with band members and their close friends, photos- many in print for the first time and will be published to co-incide with the release of the new CD in June 2001.

The hottest new act from America, voted best new band in Kerrang, Rock Sounds, Rolling Stone and Metal Hammer 1999).

How Serious is This?

Seeing Humor in Daily Stress

Discover the healing power of humor that can change your perspective and help lighten your load.

Discover the healing power of humor that can change your perspective and help lighten your load.

Himpunan pedoman pengkajian sosial budaya dan lingkungan dan pengkajian calon lokasi pembinaan masyarakat terasing

Guide for analyzing socio-culture of isolated indigenous people and the relocation sites, Indonesia.

Guide for analyzing socio-culture of isolated indigenous people and the relocation sites, Indonesia.

Human Capital Formation

Capital natural resources, foreign aid and international trade of course, play
important roles in economic growth, but none is more important than manpower.
Considerable interests have grown in the recent past amongst social scientists to