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Pemrograman Android Dengan Android Studio IDE

Dulu O Android Studio Revelado

Neste livro estaremos abordando tudo sobre o Android Studio e as bases da programação em Android! Começando pelo básico e caminhando em direção ao avançado! Ensinarei você a instalar a baixar, e instalar o Java SDK e o Android Studio. Aqui trago imagens e códigos testados e executados durante a criação da obra; Códigos e imagens de cada componente do Android e da sua paleta usado aqui, onde abordo desde o início. Conhecerá o Android Studio, como criar um novo projeto, sua tela, menus, principal, superior, laterais, explorador de pastas, java, manifest, res / resources, drawable, layout, mipmap, values, colors, dimen’s, strings, styles, e Gradle. Depois começaremos uma viagem alucinante conhecendo quase todos os componentes da paleta; Deixando de fora apenas os Expert’s e Custom’s; Pois deixei pra outra hora em um livro para programadores avançados; Afinal aqui também já teremos um conteúdo muito grande e completo. Começando pelos Tipos de layouts, e seus usos, Frame Layout, Linear Layout Horizontal, Linear Layout Vertical, Table Layout e Table Row, Grid Layout, Relative Layout. Depois estudando os Widgets, TextView, Button, RadioButton, CheckBox, Switch, ToggleButton, ImageView, ProgressBar, SeekBar, RatingBar, Spinner e WebView. Aprenderemos aqui também sobre TextField e EditText. Avançando, estudamos os Containers, RadioGroup, ListView, ExpandableListView, ScrollView, SearchView, TabHost, SlidingDrawer, Gallery, VideoView, TwoLineListItem e DialerFilter. Quando chegarmos em Data e Hora; e aprenderemos sobre TextClock, AnalogClock, DigitalClock, Chronometer, DatePicker, TimePicker, CalendarView. Daí mostro a vocês o Logcat e suas páginas, Run, TODO, Android Monitor, Terminal, Messages, Event Log e Gradle Console. Mostro os Atalhos Laterais, e depois finalizo com um estudo sobre a estrutura de um Java Android, Package, Imports, Identificando Componentes do Java, Iniciando a Atividade Java, e falando sobre o OnCreate. Para Terminar o Estudo ensino como usar o Sqlite, Criar um AVD, Como Gerar o APK de Publicação e Instalação, e por último deixo algumas dicas! Bons Estudos!

Neste livro estaremos abordando tudo sobre o Android Studio e as bases da programação em Android!

Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin

Efficient Android App Development

Build Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 3 suite of tools, an integrated development environment (IDE) with which Android developers can now use the Kotlin programming language. With this book, you’ll learn the latest and most productive tools in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part. Along the way, you’ll use Android Studio to develop apps tier by tier through practical examples. These examples cover core Android topics such as Activities, Intents, BroadcastReceivers, Services and AsyncTask. Then, you’ll learn how to publish your apps and sell them online and in the Google Play store. What You’ll Learn Use Android Studio 3 to quickly and confidently build your first Android apps Build an Android user interface using activities and layouts, event handling, images, menus and the action bar Incorporate new elements including fragments Learn how data is persisted Use Kotlin to build apps Who This Book Is For Those who may be new to Android Studio 3 or Android Studio in general. You may or may not be new to Android development in general. Some prior experience with Java is also recommended.

With this book, you’ll learn the latest and most productive tools in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part.

Android App Development in Android Studio

Java + Android Edition for Beginners

This book covers Android app design fundamentals in Android Studio using Java programming language. The author assumes you have no experience in app development. The book starts with the installation of the required development environment and setting up the emulators. Then, the simplest "Hello World" app is developed step by step. In the next chapter, basics of the Java programming language are given with practical examples. Screenshots and code snippets are clearly given in the book to guide the reader. After the Java lecture, 6 complete Android apps are developed again by step by step instructions.Each code line is explained. As the reader follows the development of the example apps, he/she will learn designing user interfaces, connecting interface objects to code, developing efficient Java code and testing the app on emulators and real devices. The sample apps developed in this book are as follows: 1. Headlight app: Learn the basics of app development and use buttons in your code. 2. Body mass index (BMI) calculator app: Using input boxes, performing calculations and displaying the results on the screen. 3. Simple dice roller app: Using random number generator functions, including images in your project, displaying images on the screen and changing the displayed image programmatically. 4. The compass app: Accessing the magnetic field sensor, setting required permissions, extracting the direction angle and animating a compass figure. 5. Show my location app: Creating a map project, setting required permissions, accessing GPS device and showing real time location on the map. 6. S.O.S. sender app: Adding SMS functionality, setting required permissions and sending real time location using SMS. This book includes 146 figures and 114 code snippets that are used to explain app development concepts clearly. Full resolution colour figures and project files can be viewed and downloaded from the the book's website:

This book covers Android app design fundamentals in Android Studio using Java programming language.

Introducción A Android Studio. Incluye Proyectos Reales Y El Código Fuente

Introducción a Android Studio El libro da una visión global de las características y posibilidades nuevas. Comienza con la instalación y configuración de Android Studio. Vas a conocer el nuevo IDE y su Editor. Aprenderás cómo crear proyectos nuevos de Android desde scratch, cómo importar proyectos de distintos tipos como una antigua App de Eclipse Android o proyectos de GitHub. El libro también incluye un vistazo al sistema de construcción Gradle con ejemplos reales. Es más, vas a registrarte, construir y ejecutar apps y prepararlas para Android Market: Capturas de pantalla Firma con Signing Wizard Firma de una apk a publicar con Gradle Crear y ejecutar proyectos de prueba en Android Studio. Hay varios ejemplos sobre dependencias y bibliotecas (Action Bar Sherlock, Admob Ads, Google Play SDK, Google Maps v2 Api) Instalar tus propios repositorios locales de Maven para construir bibliotecas .aar. Aprender sobre Product Flavors – Tipos de Construcción – Variantes de construcción y construir distintas APK de un mismo proyecto (incluye un ejemplo con 2 Flavors). Desarrollo de juegos con AndEngine y libGDX Integración de juegos de JavaScript en Proyectos de Android Studio [LIME GameEngine] Desarrollo para Google TV Plantillas de Código de Android: - Qué son las plantillas de Código de Android - Dónde se ubican las plantillas ADT - Personalizar las Plantillas de Código Android Wear – SDK nuevo para relojes inteligentes Para este libro, hay varios ejemplos de Proyectos de Android completos y ejecutables disponibles para descargar (Código Fuente).

Introducción a Android Studio El libro da una visión global de las características y posibilidades nuevas.

Android Studio

App Development on Android 6

Android Studio App Development on Android 6 This book is an exploration of Android 6 app development with Android Studio. Android Studio is the newly created platform for Android apps development. Most people have been seen it as being too complex for them to uset. The book begins by guiding you on how to install Android Studio into your system. The guide covers installation on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The necessary prerequisites before installation of Android Studio arealso discussed. The next part is an exploration of the Android SDK Manager. The book explains to you what this is, how it can be installed, and how to use it. Most of the features which it offers to developers are examined, so that you will know how to use them. The emulator, which is a very important tool in Android apps development, is also explained. You will learn how to set up the emulator on Android Studio. You will also be guided on how to use it. Shortcuts are very good when it comes to making work easier and providing quick ways to accomplish some tasks. This book will guide you on how to use the various shortcuts in Android Studio. Projects that are created by developers in Android Studio are very important. This book will teach you how to manage the projects which you create in Android Studio. Annotations, which are very important in Android Studio for code management, are explored. The code tools for Android Studio are discussed, and you will learn how to use these. The following topics are discussed in this book:Installing Android StudioThe Android SDK ManagerUsing the EmulatorAndroid Studio ShortcutsHow to Manage Projects with Android StudioAnnotations in Android StudioCode Tools Here is a preview of what you'll learn: Installing Android Studio The Android SDK Manager Using the Emulator Android Studio Shortcuts How to Manage Projects with Android Studio Annotations in Android Studio Code Tools Download your copy of " Android Studio" by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now With 1-Click" button.

The book begins by guiding you on how to install Android Studio into your system. The guide covers installation on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The necessary prerequisites before installation of Android Studio arealso discussed.

Android Studio Cookbook

This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse. Moving ahead, it teaches you to build a simple app that requires no backend setup but uses Google Cloud or Parse instead. After that, you will learn how to create an Android app that can send and receive text and images using Google Cloud or Parse as a backend. It explains the concepts of Material design and how to apply them to an Android app. Also, it shows you how to build an app that runs on an Android wear device. Later, it explains how to build an app that takes advantage of the latest Android SDK while still supporting older Android versions. It also demonstrates how the performance of an app can be improved and how memory management tools that come with the Android Studio IDE can help you achieve this.

This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse.

Android Studio Development Essentials - Android 7 Edition

The goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to develop Android based applications using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and the Android 5.0 Software Development Kit (SDK). Beginning with the basics, this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an Android development and testing environment. An overview of Android Studio is included covering areas such as tool windows, the code editor and the Designer tool. An introduction to the architecture of Android is followed by an in-depth look at the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment. More advanced topics such as database management, content providers and intents are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, camera access and the playback and recording of both video and audio. This edition of the book also covers printing, transitions and cloud-based file storage. In addition to covering general Android development techniques, the book also includes Google Play specific topics such as implementing maps using the Google Maps Android API, in-app billing and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console. Chapters also cover advanced features of Android Studio such as Gradle build configuration and the implementation of build variants to target multiple Android device types from a single project code base. Assuming you already have some Java programming experience, are ready to download Android Studio and the Android SDK, have access to a Windows, Mac or Linux system and ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.

The goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to develop Android based applications using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and the Android 5.0 Software Development Kit (SDK).

Android Studio Cookbook

Design, test, and debug your apps using Android Studio About This Book See what Material design is about and how to apply it your apps Explore the possibilities to develop apps that works on any type of device A step-by-step practical guide that will help you build improved applications, change their look, and debug them Who This Book Is For This book is for developers that are already familiar with programming concepts and have already started creating apps for the Android platform, for example, by using the Eclipse IDE. It is for developers who intend to use Android Studio as their primary IDE or want to use Android Studio more efficiently. What You Will Learn Develop Android Studio applications using Genymotion Apply the concepts of Material design to your applications Use memory monitoring tools to tweak performance Build applications for Android Wearable Capture images, video, or audio within your Android app Use content providers to display data Build apps with a cloud-based backend Create media-related apps that will run on phones, phablets, tablets, and TVs In Detail This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse. Moving ahead, it teaches you to build a simple app that requires no backend setup but uses Google Cloud or Parse instead. After that, you will learn how to create an Android app that can send and receive text and images using Google Cloud or Parse as a backend. It explains the concepts of Material design and how to apply them to an Android app. Also, it shows you how to build an app that runs on an Android wear device. Later, it explains how to build an app that takes advantage of the latest Android SDK while still supporting older Android versions. It also demonstrates how the performance of an app can be improved and how memory management tools that come with the Android Studio IDE can help you achieve this. By the end of the book, you will be able to develop high quality apps with a minimum amount of effort using the Android Studio IDE. Style and approach This is a practical guide full of challenges and many real-world examples that demonstrate interesting development concepts. Besides smartphones and tablets, it also covers Android wearable devices and Android TV. Although strongly recommended, it is not necessary to own any Android device yourself.

Design, test, and debug your apps using Android Studio About This Book See what Material design is about and how to apply it your apps Explore the possibilities to develop apps that works on any type of device A step-by-step practical guide ...