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Islam and the Secular State in Indonesia

"This is an excellent book which will have a major impact on the current debate about the relationship between Islam and politics in Indonesia. Its greatest strength is its innovative characterization of three Indonesian Muslim models of polity, as opposed to the normal two, Islamic state and secular state. Assyaukanie brilliantly delineates a third model, which he calls the Religious Democratic State, in the process greatly clarifying our understanding of the previous models, which he now proposes to label the Islamic Democratic State and the Liberal Democratic State. Another strength of the book is methodological. Each of its arguments is solidly grounded in the thoughts and actions of particular players, Indonesian Muslim thinkers and activists." - Professor William R. Liddle, The Ohio State University, USA

This decision was known as the Presidential Decision 6/2000 (Keppres No. 6
Tahun 2000). “Imlek Akan Dirayakan secara Terbuka”, Kompas, 14 January 2002
. Abdurrahman Wahid, “Paham Konghucu dan Agama”, Duta Masyarakat, ...