Sebanyak 159 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengantar metodologi penelitian untuk ilmu pengetahuan sosial

Akan tetapi , guna teknik penyelidikan ini barulah betul - betul nampak ketika pada pergantian abad XVIII ke abad XIX mulai dipakai oleh ahli - ahii ekonomi dan kemasyarakatan , misalnya di Inggris sekitar revolusi industri dalam usaha ...

Understanding minority-dominant relations

sociological contributions

Clark, S. D. 1968 The Developing Canadian Community. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press (2nd edition). ... Davis, Arthur K. 1971 "Canadian society and
history as hinterland versus metropolis." Pp. 6-23 in R. J. Ossenberg (ed.),
Canadian ...

Understanding Social Inequality

Moving beyond the traditional dichotomies of social theory, Understanding Social Inequality brings the study of social stratification and inequality into the 21st century. Starting with the widely agreed "fact" that the world is becoming more unequal, this book pulls together the "identity of displacement" in sociology and the "spaces of flow" of geography to show how place has become an increasingly important focus for understanding new trends in social inequality. The book charts a path through current debates and issues that studies of social inequality cannot afford to ignore. Accessible and engagingly written, this book stimulates the "sociological imagination", prompting readers to link personal experiences and public issues.

Burchardt, T, Le Grand, J. and Piachaud, D. (2002) 'Degrees of exclusion:
developing a dynamic, multidimensional ... 'Negotiating their way in: the middle
classes, gentrification and their deployment of capital in a globalizing metropolis',
Urban ...

Understanding Chinese Society

This new book provides an accessible and wide-ranging introduction to the main features of Chinese society. Drawing on a wealth of material, the author offers a fresh understanding of a unique society that has undergone continuous transformation and upheaval throughout the twentieth century. Understanding Chinese Society looks in all its richness at the society with the largest population on earth. In order to explore long-term change and continuity, the book examines China from pre-revolutionary times to today's rapidly modernising society, although the focus is on recent change. Particular attention is paid to China's cultural traditions and hierarchical relationships in familial and wider social settings, and their fate in the modern world. Successive chapters investigate changes in the relations of rural and urban sectors of society; in the structure of families; in political and economic power; in cultural hegemony, education and the media; and in patterns of social inequality. A final chapter asks whether Chinese society is becoming more complex and differentiated in the course of modernisation and considers recent debates on the growth of civil society and democratisation. This book will be indispensable for anyone studying Chinese society, Asian societies and comparative sociology.

... development in the formerly rural areas of Guangdong Province and of
metropolitan Shanghai and Jiangsu Province. ... The ideas of desakota and
extended metropolis, although originally formulated by economic geographers,
can be ...

Understanding India’s New Political Economy

A Great Transformation?

A number of large-scale transformations have shaped the economy, polity and society of India over the past quarter century. This book provides a detailed account of three that are of particular importance: the advent of liberal economic reform, the ascendance of Hindu cultural nationalism, and the empowerment of historically subordinate classes through popular democratic mobilizations. Filling a gap in existing literature, the book goes beyond looking at the transformations in isolation, managing to: • Explain the empirical linkages between these three phenomena • Provide an account that integrates the insights of separate disciplinary perspectives • Explain their distinct but possibly related causes and the likely consequences of these central transformations taken together By seeking to explain the causal relationships between these central transformations through a coordinated conversation across different disciplines, the dynamics of India’s new political economy are captured. Chapters focus on the political, economic and social aspects of India in their current and historical context. The contributors use new empirical research to discuss how India’s multidimensional story of economic growth, social welfare and democratic deepening is likely to develop. This is an essential text for students and researchers of India's political economy and the growth economies of Asia.

The Urban Transformation of the Developing World, Oxford: Oxford University
Press: 93¥132. Mohan, R. (2005) aIndian Economy in ... Political Weekly, 39(30):
3387¥3390. Nair, J. (2005) The Promise of the Metropolis: Bangalore's Twentieth

Understanding Cairo

The Logic of a City Out of Control

This book moves beyond superficial generalizations about Cairo as a chaotic metropolis in the developing world into an analysis of the ways the city's eighteen million inhabitants have, in the face of a largely neglectful government, built and shaped their own city. Using a wealth of recent studies on Greater Cairo and a deep reading of informal urban processes, the city and its recent history are portrayed and mapped: the huge, spontaneous neighborhoods; housing; traffic and transport; city government; and its people and their enterprises. The book argues that understanding a city such as Cairo is not a daunting task as long as pre-conceived notions are discarded and care is taken to apprehend available information and to assess it with a critical eye. In the case of Cairo, this approach leads to a conclusion that the city can be considered a kind of success story, in spite of everything.

... rapidly developing fringes—but in it the imperative to place her work within the
fabric of western academic discourse is ... Ironically, it is Cairo that has probably
been better covered by serious treatment than any other nonwestern metropolis.