Sebanyak 44165 item atau buku ditemukan

Listening in the Language Classroom

This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension questions. The book's central argument is that a preoccupation with the notion of 'comprehension' has led teachers to focus upon the product of listening, in the form of answers to questions, ignoring the listening process itself. The author provides an informed account of the psychological processes which make up the skill of listening, and analyses the characteristics of the speech signal from which listeners have to construct a message. Drawing upon this information, the book proposes a radical alternative to the comprehension approach and provides for intensive small-scale practice in aspects of listening that are perceptually or cognitively demanding for the learner. Listening in the Language Classroom was winner of the Ben Warren International Trust House Prize in 2008.

This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension questions.

The Field Trip Book

Study Travel Experiences in Social Studies

Looking for social studies adventures to help students find connections to democratic citizenship? Look no further! The Field Trip Book: Study Travel Experiences in Social Studies provides just the answer teachers need for engaging students in field trips as researching learners with emphasis on interdisciplinary social studies plus skills in collecting and reporting data gathered from field explorations. This is the book for those educators who want to make social studies field experiences real and meaningful for their students. These real-world social studies experiences are teacher tested and focus on anthropology, civics, economics, geography, history, and sociology. The Field Trip Book: Study Travel Experiences in Social Studies makes social studies exciting for elementary and middle school students, by introducing them to content in the world around them. This book is perfect for the elementary or middle school teacher, museum educator, or parent looking forward to increasing interaction between students and learning sites.

... trip ticket is much more open-ended than the urban trip ticket and is designed to get students to think, question, and interpret. By looking at the ... trip and through. The Field Trip Book: Study Travel Experiences in Social Studies 27.


Ketika kita membeli suatu barang, misalkan barang elektronik seperti komputer, radio, televisi dan lain-lain, di sebuah kompleks pertokoan, kita sering ditawari oleh pelayan toko bermacam-macam pilihan: “merek apa? produk domestik atau produk luar negeri (impor)? buatan atau made in mana? rakitan atau built-up?. Bahkan, disodorkan cara pembayarannya: dollar atau rupiah?, cash atau credit? , termasuk duty free atau tidak?” dan lain-lain. Ilustrasi ini menggambarkan bahwa saat ini, tersedianya bermacam-macam barang dan cara pembayaran transasksi yang ada di pasar domestik, tidak hanya barang-barang buatan dalam negeri tetapi juga barangbarang impor buatan luar negeri.

... Global. GLOBAL. Globalisasi adalah program lama yang dianjurkan oleh negara-negara ekonomi maju untuk membebaskan perdagangan internasional di seluruh dunia melalui perjanjian. Hal ini juga datang berarti relokasi kegiatan produksi atau ...


Bisnis internasional merupakan fenomena yang semakin merajalela di era globalisasi, yang ditandai oleh integrasi ekonomi, teknologi, dan budaya antara negara negara di seluruh dunia. Konsep dasar bisnis internasional melibatkan berbagai aspek, strategi, dan dinamika yang memengaruhi cara perusahaan beroperasi di pasar global.

... internasional memerlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang pasar global, kepekaan budaya, dan kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan bisnis yang berubah-ubah. Perusahaan yang menerapkan strategi ini dengan bijak dapat memperluas ...

International Business

Written by two leading international business scholars, the Second Edition of International Business takes a truly global perspective that goes beyond the United States, presents the latest concepts, tools and events and adopts integrated and problem-solving approaches for all chapters. The book highlights the role of culture, politics and legal issues in international business and illustrates how they influence institutions, structures and processes that permeate all functions of business. This is the only international business textbook that offers dedicated discussion of small and mid-size international firms (where many students are likely to be employed) in addition to large multinational enterprises. It is also the only text to offer chapters on corruption, e-commerce, and international entrepreneurship. The book offers a highly integrated and action-focused approach to the field that helps the reader make explicit connections across concepts and functions, develops the skill to address various IB issues and problems, and most importantly, broadens understanding of the global business environment and its repercussions for executives. In addition to superior internal integration of the various issues discussed in the book (for example this may be the only IB text where the chapter on finance and accounting has specific references to culture and how it affects those functions), the book provides easy to understand links to functional business areas, thus enabling better integration within the BA or MBA business curriculum. This book is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate business students taking such courses as international business, international Management, Global Business, Global Business Strategy, Multinational Management, Foreign Direct Investment.

A highly integrated, real-world approach to international business.

International Business

This text covers a variety of major topics in international business, presenting the material in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Each chapter focuses on a basic fundamental of international business.

This text covers a variety of major topics in international business, presenting the material in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Each chapter focuses on a basic fundamental of international business.

International Business

A Global Perspective

'International Business' covers international business issues from a multinational perspective. Each chapter features the reverse perspective case that provides material for discussion and/or case analysis from a global perspective not necessarily that of the US.

This text addresses IB from a purely multinational perspective. International Business is examined from the U.S. angle, going on to address IB issues from other countries' perspectives, what the authors refer to as the "Reverse Perspective.


Saat ini kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction) telah menjadi keyword dalam pernyataan visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran, positioning, slogan, dan/atau tagline beraneka ragam organisasi, baik bisnis maupun non- bisnis. Namun, Sayangnya, tak banyak yang sungguh-sungguh memahami apa itu kepuasan pelanggan, bagaimana mengukurnya, serta bagaimana mewujudkannya. Buku berjudul “Manajemen dan Strategi Kepuasan Pelanggan” ini menjabarkan secara rinciaspek-aspek tersebut. Pembahasan difokuskan pada topik-topik utama yang meliputi: (1 Perilaku Konsumen: Apa dan Mengapa?; (2) Bagaimana Konsumen Membuat Keputusan Pembelian?; (3) Mengapa Perlu Kepuasan Pelanggan?, (4) Konsep Kepuasan Pelanggan; (5) Bagaimana Mengukur Kepuasan Pelanggan, (6) Strategi Kepuasan Pelanggan; dan (7) Tak Cukup Hanya Kepuasan Pelanggan. Sasaran utama pembaca buku ini adalah para akademisi, mahasiswa, dan praktisi yang menaruh minat pada kepuasan pelanggan dan topik-topik terkait (seperti perilaku konsumen, loyalitas pelanggan, dan customer delight). Oleh sebab itu, buku ini memaparkan pula beberapa contoh spesiflk riset kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan pelanggan, serta mengulas rincistrategi mewujudkan kepuasan pelanggan.

Saat ini kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction) telah menjadi keyword dalam pernyataan visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran, positioning, slogan, dan/atau tagline beraneka ragam organisasi, baik bisnis maupun non- bisnis.

Strategic Management

Planning for Domestic and Global Competition

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout Strategic Management, 13e. This thirteenth edition of Strategic Management has a refined message and a new subtitle: Planning for Domestic & Global Competition. This new edition is specially designed to accommodate the needs of strategy students worldwide in our fast-changing twenty-first century. The authors complement the focus on strategic planning for success within U.S. borders with unprecedented attention on how U.S. firms can leverage their domestic success by forming international partnerships and can achieve international success by becoming actively involved in global trade. These are exciting times, and they are reflected in this book. The new edition includes NEW or revised chapter material, 30 NEW cases, and dozens of NEW illustrations.

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field, are evident throughout this book.

Strategic Management

Formulation, Implementation, and Control

Focusing on strategic management, this text presents contemporary research in the area and emphasizes conceptual tools and skills. It contains multiple "Business Week" and traditional strategic management cases, and presents a pedagogical model created by the authors.

Focusing on strategic management, this text presents contemporary research in the area and emphasizes conceptual tools and skills.