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Analisis de los resultados medioambientales Analisis de los resultados medioambientales: España 2004

Temas cubiertos: Gestión Ambiental Gestión del Aire, Agua y Residuos Conservación de la Naturaleza y Gestión de la Biodiversidad Economía, Sociedad y Medio Ambiente Integración Sectorial: Turismo Cooperación Internacional Este libro es parte del ...

La Constitución ha otorgado a las comunidades autónomas, que presentan
condiciones físicas, sociales y económicas muy diferentes, un papel fundamental
en la aplicación de la política medioambiental. Para afrontar los desafíos citados,

The Metropolitan Century Understanding Urbanisation and its Consequences

Understanding Urbanisation and its Consequences

The report provides an outline of recent and likely future urbanisation trends and discusses the consequences.

In this context, reserving public space (including for roads or rails) in advance
and developing infrastructure in an organised way as a city ... Liveable
metropolises in the 21st century So what does a liveable 21st century metropolis
look like ...

Conflict and Fragility Monitoring the Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations Global Report

Global Report

This report looks at ways in which the implementation of the Fragile States Principles does and does not work, based on evidence from the ground across six countries – Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste.

Global Report OECD. PRINCIPLES Annex I: Executive summary of the Timor-
Leste country report The ... There is a need for more sustained political dialogue
and information sharing between government and society. Sustain support for the

Measuring What People Know Human Capital Accounting for the Knowledge Economy

Human Capital Accounting for the Knowledge Economy

This book explains why it is possible, in terms of economic theory, and feasible, from the perspective of accounting practices, to implement new human capital information and decision-making systems.

training decision is strongly influenced by the quality of the human capital informa
~ tion and decision-making system in place. The quality of this system will vary
enormously between firms and across countries (see Chapter 6). Once the ...