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Indonesia Today

Challenges of History

The turn of the century and the crossroads of reformasi presents a timely juncture for examining Indonesia's political, economic, and social history—both to evaluate current events and to chart the country's future course. Providing an up-to-date overview, this volume explores events, processes, and themes in contemporary Indonesia—including the evolution of political institutions and democracy, economic development and political economy, religious and social movements, political ideology, and the role of the armed forces. By holding a mirror to historical events, the authors add a rich dimension to our understanding of Indonesia and its problems, free from the exigencies of the present and the prejudices of the past.

Forum Keadilan (2000), 'Wawancara dengan Ja'far Umar Thalid', Forum
Keadilan, 3, 23 April, pp. 26—30. Frye ... GKI (Gereja Kristen Injil di Tanah Papua
) (2000b), Notulen: Sidang Sinode XIV GKI di Tanah Papua Tahun 2000, Sorong: