Sebanyak 32 item atau buku ditemukan

Disruption : Tak ada yang tak bisa diubah sebelum dihadapi motivasi saja tidak cukup

Wirausaha muda mandiri: Kisah inspiratif anak-anak muda menemukan masa depan dari hal-hal yang diabaikan banyak orang

Stories of young entrepreneurs on business development in Indonesia.

Stories of young entrepreneurs on business development in Indonesia.

Assure your confidence

pengembaraan membangun percaya diri pelanggan

History and business strategy of Superintending Company of Indonesia, a state-owned enterprise engaged in the field of inspection, supervision, testing, and the review, 1956-2006.

History and business strategy of Superintending Company of Indonesia, a state-owned enterprise engaged in the field of inspection, supervision, testing, and the review, 1956-2006.

Camera branding

cameragenic vs. auragenic : televisi, kita, dan perubahan

On image branding in the television industry in Indonesia.

On image branding in the television industry in Indonesia.

Cracking values

Transforming Pertamina, the state oil company of Indonesia, into a competitive powerhouse with good corporate values.

Transforming Pertamina, the state oil company of Indonesia, into a competitive powerhouse with good corporate values.

Cracking entrepreneurs

inilah para crackers lokal yang tak ada matinya!

Success stories of small and medium entrepreneurs in West Java and Banten.

Success stories of small and medium entrepreneurs in West Java and Banten.