Sebanyak 1740 item atau buku ditemukan


Ketika kita membeli suatu barang, misalkan barang elektronik seperti komputer, radio, televisi dan lain-lain, di sebuah kompleks pertokoan, kita sering ditawari oleh pelayan toko bermacam-macam pilihan: “merek apa? produk domestik atau produk luar negeri (impor)? buatan atau made in mana? rakitan atau built-up?. Bahkan, disodorkan cara pembayarannya: dollar atau rupiah?, cash atau credit? , termasuk duty free atau tidak?” dan lain-lain. Ilustrasi ini menggambarkan bahwa saat ini, tersedianya bermacam-macam barang dan cara pembayaran transasksi yang ada di pasar domestik, tidak hanya barang-barang buatan dalam negeri tetapi juga barangbarang impor buatan luar negeri.

... Global. GLOBAL. Globalisasi adalah program lama yang dianjurkan oleh negara-negara ekonomi maju untuk membebaskan perdagangan internasional di seluruh dunia melalui perjanjian. Hal ini juga datang berarti relokasi kegiatan produksi atau ...

Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach

Ethical decisions do not take place in a vacuum, and many people, faced with their own interests and standards, need reliable guidelines to address the moral implications of business decisions. With a unique, highly practical approach to teaching business ethics, this text focuses on the relationships among various stakeholders, including individuals, groups, corporations, and even nations. The new fifth edition includes the latest research, current cases, and practical examples to help students examine the role of ethics in today's business world, from the boardroom to the classroom. Updates also include the addition of new, real-world ethical dilemmas presenting actual encounters by managers and students; an easy, step-by-step guide to implement a stakeholder analysis; tips to help students apply ethical principles in their personal and professional lives; and comprehensive coverage of employee workplace issues and highly relevant topics such as risk management, preferential hiring, corporate legitimacy, and moral accountability. The text also explores today's increasingly interconnected global business environment with coverage of multinational corporations and important issues such as the digital divide, bribery, corruption, human rights, and the environment. This text gives students the practical tools they need to handle complex moral dilemmas in the workplace and the world. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This text gives students the practical tools they need to handle complex moral dilemmas in the workplace and the world.

Business Ethics, Seventh Edition

A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach

The seventh edition of this pragmatic guide to determining right and wrong in the workplace is updated with new case studies, exercises, and ancillary materials. Joseph Weiss's Business Ethics is a pragmatic, hands-on guide for determining right and wrong in the business world. To be socially responsible and ethical, Weiss maintains, businesses must acknowledge the impact their decisions can have on the world beyond their walls. An advantage of the book is the integration of a stakeholder perspective with an issues and crisis management approach so students can look at how a business's actions affect not just share price and profit but the well-being of employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, the larger society, other nations, and the environment. Weiss includes twenty-three cases that immerse students directly in contemporary ethical dilemmas. Eight new cases in this edition include Facebook's (mis)use of customer data, the impact of COVID-19 on higher education, the opioid epidemic, the rise of Uber, the rapid growth of AI, safety concerns over the Boeing 737, the Wells Fargo false saving accounts scandal, and plastics being dumped into the ocean. Several chapters feature a unique point/counterpoint exercise that challenges students to argue both sides of a heated ethical issue. This edition has eleven new point/counterpoint exercises, addressing questions like, Should tech giants be broken apart? What is the line between free speech and dangerous disinformation? Has the Me Too movement gone too far? As with previous editions, the seventh edition features a complete set of ancillary materials for instructors: teaching guides, test banks, and PowerPoint presentations.

The seventh edition of this pragmatic guide to determining right and wrong in the workplace is updated with new case studies, exercises, and ancillary materials.


Segala Puji Syukur kepada Allah Yang Maha Kuasa atas terbitnya buku yang berjudul Teori Kepemimpinan. Buku membahas tentang Teori Kepemimpinan Genetis, Teori Kepemimpinan.Orang Hebat, Teori Kepemimpinan Sifat, Teori Kepemimpinan Perilaku, Teori Kepemimpinan Situasional, Teori Kepemimpinan Transaksional, Teori Kepemimpinan Trnasformasional, Teori Kepemimpinan Karismatik, Teori Kepemimpinan Pelayan, Teori Kepemimpinan Kekuasaan, dan Teori Kepemimpinan Lingkungan. Semoga Buku Teori Kepemimpinan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan bagi para pembaca. Kiranya kasih Allah Yang Maha Kuasa selalu menyertai kita semuanya.

Buku membahas tentang Teori Kepemimpinan Genetis, Teori Kepemimpinan.Orang Hebat, Teori Kepemimpinan Sifat, Teori Kepemimpinan Perilaku, Teori Kepemimpinan Situasional, Teori Kepemimpinan Transaksional, Teori Kepemimpinan Trnasformasional, ...

MODEL PEMBELAJARAN Inovatif dan Efektif

Judul : MODEL PEMBELAJARAN Inovatif dan Efektif Penulis : Ponidi, Novi Ayu Kristiana Dewi, Trisnawati, Dian Puspita, Erliza Septia Nagara, Marilin Kristin, Dwi Puastuti, Widi Andewi, Leni Anggraeni, Bernadhita H. S. Utami. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 210 Halaman ISBN : 978-623-6233-08-5 Buku “Model Pembelajaran Inovatif dan Efektif” ini merupakan buku yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi, pegangan atau pedoman bagi pendidik baik guru maupun Dosen dalam melaksanakan Pembelajaran di kelas. Penulis memaparkan berbagai model dan metode pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efektif sebagai alternatif pembelajaran yang dilakukan di sekolah maupun di Perguruan Tinggi. Pemaparan dalam buku ini memberikan gambaran yang komprehensif bagaimana guru atau Dosen menggunakan model pembelajaran sehingga mudah dipahami. Buku ini membahas Konsep Pembelajaran Karakter, Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching & Learning, Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Model Pembelajaran PAKEM, Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri, Model Pembelajaran Simulasi, Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Portofolio Model Pembelajaran Value Clarification Technique, dan Model Pembelajaran E-Learning. Pada setiap bab buku ini dilengkapi dengan pengertian setiap model pembelajaran, hakikat model dan metode pembelajaran, lingkup model pembelajaran hingga membahas mengenai langkah-langkah setiap model pembelajaran. Dengan demikian buku ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dari kalangan pendidikan untuk dapat menjadikan buku ini sebagai acuan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru maupun dosen dikelas dan pencapaian pembelajaran yang efektif.

Judul : MODEL PEMBELAJARAN Inovatif dan Efektif Penulis : Ponidi, Novi Ayu Kristiana Dewi, Trisnawati, Dian Puspita, Erliza Septia Nagara, Marilin Kristin, Dwi Puastuti, Widi Andewi, Leni Anggraeni, Bernadhita H. S. Utami.

Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, And International Issues