Sebanyak 315 item atau buku ditemukan

Himpunan karya tulis bidang hukum

Indonesia melihat ada bank yang sakit sebelum menuju kebang - ` krutan , maka Bank Indonesia akan meminta bank ... kan tindakan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam pasal 37 ( 2 ) UU Perbankan sebelum mengusulkan kepada Departemen Keuangan ...

Bantuan hukum dan hak asasi manusia

Legal aid and civil rights conditions in Indonesia.

Legal aid and civil rights conditions in Indonesia.

50 Years is Enough

The Case Against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

As the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) celebrate fifty years of economic dominion over the Third World, this reader brings the best progressive authors together to critique these two main proponents of neo-liberalism. 50 Years is Enough covers such topics as failed development projects, the feminization of poverty, the detruction of the environment, the internal workings of the World Bank and the IMF, and the struggle to build alternatives to neo-liberal policies.It also includes a guide to the many organizations involved in the struggle to reform the World Bank and the IMF.

As the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) celebrate fifty years of economic dominion over the Third World, this reader brings the best progressive authors together to critique these two main proponents of neo-liberalism. ...

Mencari ideologi alternatif

polemik agama pascaideologi menjelang abad 21

Polemic on correlation between religion and ideology based on Indonesian scholar viewpoint; collection of articles.

Polemic on correlation between religion and ideology based on Indonesian scholar viewpoint; collection of articles.

Masalah-masalah teologi dan fiqh dalam Tarjih Muhammadiyah

Issues on theology and fiqh in Muhammadiyah, modern Islamic organization in Indonesia.

Issues on theology and fiqh in Muhammadiyah, modern Islamic organization in Indonesia.

Ke arah fiqh Indonesia

mengenang jasa Prof. Dr. T.M. Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy

Position of Indonesian fiqh in today's national legal reform, festschrift in honor of T.M. Hasbi Ash Siddieqy, former lecturer of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic Studies Institute, Yogyakarta.

Position of Indonesian fiqh in today's national legal reform, festschrift in honor of T.M. Hasbi Ash Siddieqy, former lecturer of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic Studies Institute, Yogyakarta.