Sebanyak 354 item atau buku ditemukan

International Business

This text covers a variety of major topics in international business, presenting the material in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Each chapter focuses on a basic fundamental of international business.

This text covers a variety of major topics in international business, presenting the material in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Each chapter focuses on a basic fundamental of international business.

Himpunan yurisprudensi tentang hukum perdata

Collection of important court decisions with related to marriage cases in Indonesia.

Collection of important court decisions with related to marriage cases in Indonesia.

Informasi peraturan perundang-undangan (SJDI-Hukum)

Includes the text of selected laws or regulations together with the court's clarification.

... adanya Transaksi Bursa yang dilaksanakan dengan cara mengurangi Efek dari rekening Efek yang satu dan menambahkan Efek dimaksud pada rekening Efek yang lain pada Kustodian , yang dalam hal ini dapat dilakukan secara elektronik .

Penelitian tentang modernisasi pendidikan hukum sebagai sarana pembangunan sumber daya manusia

Legal education in Indonesia.

... para ahli hukum dituntut untuk memahami dan terampil menangani transaksi - transaksi bisnis Internasional . ... Dewasa ini telah berkembang sistem informatika yang menggunakan sarana elektronik dalam mengolah , menyimpan , dan ...

Bank Guarantees in International Trade:The Law and Practice of Independent (First Demand) Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit in Civil Law and Common Law Jurisdictions

Bank Guarantees in International Trade is a comprehensive study of the legal and practical aspects and implications of independent (first demand) guarantees and standby letters of credit. It serves to broaden the understanding of the law on the subject of bank guarantees, while placing marked emphasis upon the practical implications and issues which can arise in the daily functioning of these legal instruments. The work comprises all reported case law from the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Belgium. It also takes into account the law in certain other European countries and the United States and provides valuable insight into the governing law of bank guarantees in numerous regions, particularly within the Middle East and North Africa. Written from a transnational perspective, this book can be used in other jurisdictions. The texts of the 1992 ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees and the UNCITRAL Convention have been included.

Written from a transnational perspective, this book can be used in other jurisdictions. The texts of the 1992 ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees and the UNCITRAL Convention have been included.

Landasan kebudayaan Bali

Balinese culture; collected articles.

Mulai mengikuti pendidikan Dasar 1 ( HIS ) di Denpasar tahun 1940 , Pendidikan Menengah ( Tyogakko ) di Singaraja tahun 1944 , dan Pendidikan Menengah Atas ( AMS ) di Makasar , Sulawesi Selatan tahun 1949. Pendidikan Tinggi diikuti di ...