Sebanyak 402 item atau buku ditemukan

Himpunan lima peraturan perundang-undangan bidang politik

Collection of Indonesian laws regarding with politics and government; includes government regulations.

Collection of Indonesian laws regarding with politics and government; includes government regulations.

Database Systems Handbook

With a unique systematic coverage of next-generation databasing, this essential handbook gives computing professionals working in distributed systems a one-stop source of information and tips on the design, operation, and use of database management systems for a wide variety of applications.

With a unique systematic coverage of next-generation databasing, this essential handbook gives computing professionals working in distributed systems a one-stop source of information and tips on the design, operation, and use of database ...

Buku panduan

Banyak takaran mengenai hal ini, misalnya sinyalemen rendahnya minat baca,
kesulitan mahasiswa dalam menulis skripsi, minimalnya produktivitas sarjana
dalam melahirkan tulisan, termasuk juga banyaknya guru yang tak mampu
menulis. Padahal, di sisi lain kita sudah memasuki tahap pasca-tulisan (post-lit-
eracy), yakni ditandai dengan maraknya sarana komunikasi elektronik. Anehnya,
justru tradisi pasca-tulisan lebih cepat berkembang daripada tradisi tulisan.

Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment

Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment

Droste provides up-to-date coverage of the technologies used in water and wastewater management, including standard practice as well as state of the art. Both theory and design concepts are developed systematically, supported by comprehensive examples.

Droste provides up-to-date coverage of the technologies used in water and wastewater management, including standard practice as well as state of the art.

Interests, Ideas, and Deregulation

The Fate of Hospital Rate Setting

This work studies the effectiveness of hospital rate setting as a mechanism for cost containment and details the economic and political factors leading to its demise in three of the four states examined. John E. McDonough brings his prior experience as Chair of the Health Care and Insurance Committees for the Massachusetts House of Representatives as well as a methodologically sound presentation to this topic. McDonough's unique vantage point serves as a clear asset in dissecting the events and lending perspective to the policymaking process. Which matters more in crafting public policy--the blunt force of interest groups and lobbyists or the development of new ideas that make a difference? Are elected officials leaders or followers in promoting policy change? McDonough answers these questions in the context of the complex world of health care and uses the thirty-year history of hospital rate setting as an example. The states covered in this volume are Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Maryland. Characteristics of the subject states are provided in great detail along with case histories of rate setting in each. The book discusses the role of interest groups and policy ideas examining two rival models: The theory of economic regulation and the punctuated equilibrium model of policy change. Policymakers and administrators will be interested in how this work follows theory into practice and provides assistance in identifying obstacles in the creation and implementation of policy. Political scientists will be interested in its use of the punctuated equilibrium model of policy change, and economists concerned with the theory of economic regulation will be drawn to the discussion of it in the health care context. John E. McDonough is a Massachusetts State Representative, former Chair of the Health Care and Insurance Committees for that body, and Adjunct Professor of Health Policy, Boston University School of Medicine.

This work studies the effectiveness of hospital rate setting as a mechanism for cost containment and details the economic and political factors leading to its demise in three of the four states examined.