Sebanyak 369 item atau buku ditemukan

Hukum dagang tentang surat-surat berharga

P.T. Pan Indonysia Bank Ltd ( Bro ) , berdiri 1971 , bergerak di bidang perbankan , modal terbagi atas 13.100.000 ... P.T. Papan Sejahtera , berdiri 1980 , lembaga keuangan non bank , modal terbagi atas 15.000 saham , nominal saham Rp ...

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems (DBMS), based on the introductory database course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and class-tested at over 20 universities, is a must for any course in database or file organizations. DBMS provides a hands-on approach to relational database systems, with an emphasis on practical topics such as indexing methods, SQL, and database design. This book also provides up-to-date coverage of advanced topics (including active, deductive, and object databases; parallel and distributed systems; and decision support) and can be used in a second database course.

This introductory database text takes a hands-on approach to relational database systems, emphasising both conceptual and physical database design and tuning.

Multivariate Reduced-Rank Regression

Theory and Applications

In the area of multivariate analysis, there are two broad themes that have emerged over time. The analysis typically involves exploring the variations in a set of interrelated variables or investigating the simultaneous relation ships between two or more sets of variables. In either case, the themes involve explicit modeling of the relationships or dimension-reduction of the sets of variables. The multivariate regression methodology and its variants are the preferred tools for the parametric modeling and descriptive tools such as principal components or canonical correlations are the tools used for addressing the dimension-reduction issues. Both act as complementary to each other and data analysts typically want to make use of these tools for a thorough analysis of multivariate data. A technique that combines the two broad themes in a natural fashion is the method of reduced-rank regres sion. This method starts with the classical multivariate regression model framework but recognizes the possibility for the reduction in the number of parameters through a restrietion on the rank of the regression coefficient matrix. This feature is attractive because regression methods, whether they are in the context of a single response variable or in the context of several response variables, are popular statistical tools. The technique of reduced rank regression and its encompassing features are the primary focus of this book. The book develops the method of reduced-rank regression starting from the classical multivariate linear regression model.

The technique of reduced rank regression and its encompassing features are the primary focus of this book. The book develops the method of reduced-rank regression starting from the classical multivariate linear regression model.

Perekonomian Indonesia menyongsong abad XXI

Festschrift in honor of Radius Prawiro, b. 1928, economist, former Coordinating Minister of Economics, Finance, Industry and Development Supervision of Indonesia.

00 / 1988 tentang Pendirian Bank Campuran dan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia
No . SE . BI No . 21 / 6 / BPPP tentang Pendirian Bank Campuran . 63 Keputusan
Menteri Keuangan No / 1069 / KMK . 00 / 1988 tentang Usaha Bank Asing dan ...

Sejarah perkembangan pemeriksaan perhitungan anggaran negara (PAN).

History of Indonesian national budget auditing; collection of articles.

Dokumen - dokumen anggaran dari : - Kas Negara : P6 , P7 -KPN : P8 -
Rekening BUN : RKP - Paku Pekas : PDK PA DEP./LEMBAGA Departemen /
Lembaga Direktorat Kas Negara Lap . Bulanan Realisasi APBN DEPARTEMEN

Kumpulan makalah Seminar Pengembangan Ekowisata Kepulauan Togean, Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, 25 Maret 1998

JET hanyalah suatu bentuk jaringan dan bukan bentukan bisnis baru .
Keberadaan JET haruslah dilihat sebagai suatu alat atau wacana untuk saling
bertukar informasi , keahlian serta pengembangan ke arah yang lebih baik dan
bukan ...

Transparansi independensi pengawasan kejahatan pasar modal

Securities fraud: cases of insider trading, hostile takeover, and market manipulation in Indonesian capital market.

Portofolio " pegawaipegawainya Prospek karier di lembaga tersebut adalah
menjadi yang terbaik diantara lembaga keuangan pemerintah lainnya yang
notabene seorang konglomerat berpengaruh dan punya lobby kuat pada pejabat
tinggi ...

Bank Risk Analysis in Emerging Markets

Banking is a risk business, but one mistake can wipe out a year's profits or more. Correspondent banking is a reliable, high yield activity and trade finance in the emerging markets offer some of the highest returns available in conventional banking. However, as the banker ventures into the emerging markets he finds risks which hardly exist in the developed economies. Balancing risk and reward is critical to maintaining profits and reputations, as well as operational independence.

Banking is a risk business, but one mistake can wipe out a year's profits or more.