Sebanyak 638 item atau buku ditemukan

Tropical Rainforest

Our Most Valuable and Endangered Habitat with a Blueprint for Its Survival Into the Third Millennium

Describes the rainforest ecology and examines how rainforests are threatened by humans, and what can be done to preserve this resource.

Describes the rainforest ecology and examines how rainforests are threatened by humans, and what can be done to preserve this resource.

Tropical Rainforests

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Canadian Oxford Guide to Language, Literature and Media

This Guide to Language, Literature and Media provides senior high school students with a clear and concise presentation of the tools they need to read, analyze, and create works effectively in each of the major literary genres. It has been designed to meet criteria in curriculum guidelines across Canada and will serve as a core reference volume for students preparing for academic studies in university and college English programs.

This Guide to Language, Literature and Media provides senior high school students with a clear and concise presentation of the tools they need to read, analyze, and create works effectively in each of the major literary genres.

Tropical Rain Forest

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.

Kamus istilah kelautan dan perikanan

Indonesian dictionary of marine and fisheries terms.

... cara apapun, termasuk kegiatan yang menggunakan kapal untuk memuat,
mengangkut, menyimpan, mendinginkan, mengolah atau mengawetkannya
Penangkar : orang yang melakukan kegiatan usaha perbanyakan sdan/atau
pembiakan ikan Penataan Ruang : proses perencanaan tata ruang,
pemanfaatan ruang, dan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang Penataan Ruang
Laut : proses perencanaan ruang laut, pemanfaatan ruang laut, dan
pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang laut.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 15 tahun 2002 Tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang

Indonesian law on money laundering; includes other laws and regulations with reference to corruption and the Indonesian police force.

Indonesian law on money laundering; includes other laws and regulations with reference to corruption and the Indonesian police force.

Informasi peraturan perundang-undangan (SJDI-Hukum)

Includes the text of selected laws or regulations together with the court's clarification.

... Luar Negeri 70.579.000.000,00 05.4 Subsektor Keuangan
000,00 05.5 Subsektor Koperasi dan Pengusaha Kecil 40.698.000.000,00 06
00 06.1 Subsektor Prasarana Jalan,00 06.2 Subsektor
Transportasi Darat 38.794.000.000,00 06.3 Subsektor Transportasi Laut 198.651
.000.000,00 06.4 Subsektor Transportasi Udara 73.901.000.000,00 06.5
Subsektor Meteorologi, ...