Sebanyak 932 item atau buku ditemukan

Software Engineering Design

Theory and Practice

Taking a learn-by-doing approach, Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice uses examples, review questions, chapter exercises, and case study assignments to provide students and practitioners with the understanding required to design complex software systems. Explaining the concepts that are immediately relevant to software designers, it begins with a review of software design fundamentals. The text presents a formal top-down design process that consists of several design activities with varied levels of detail, including the macro-, micro-, and construction-design levels. As part of the top-down approach, it provides in-depth coverage of applied architectural, creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns. For each design issue covered, it includes a step-by-step breakdown of the execution of the design solution, along with an evaluation, discussion, and justification for using that particular solution. The book outlines industry-proven software design practices for leading large-scale software design efforts, developing reusable and high-quality software systems, and producing technical and customer-driven design documentation. It also: Offers one-stop guidance for mastering the Software Design & Construction sections of the official Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK®) Details a collection of standards and guidelines for structuring high-quality code Describes techniques for analyzing and evaluating the quality of software designs Collectively, the text supplies comprehensive coverage of the software design concepts students will need to succeed as professional design leaders. The section on engineering leadership for software designers covers the necessary ethical and leadership skills required of software developers in the public domain. The section on creating software design documents (SDD) familiarizes students with the software design notations, structural descriptions, and behavioral models required for SDDs. Course notes, exercises with answers, online resources, and an instructor’s manual are available upon qualified course adoption. Instructors can contact the author about these resources via the author's website:

Taking a learn-by-doing approach, Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice uses examples, review questions, chapter exercises, and case study assignments to provide students and practitioners with the understanding required to ...

Software Engineering Essentials, Volume I

The Development Process

However several reviewers commented that this book would also make a good university text book for a undergraduate or graduate course in software engineering. So the original books were modified to be applicable to both tasks.

Teka - teki silang Bahasa Inggris untuk SD kelas 1,2,3

Buku ini disusun sebagai bahan latihan untuk siswa – siswi tingkat Sekolah Dasar dalam meningkatkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang menjadi dasar dalam berbahasa. Buku ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah guru dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris pada anak menggunakan permainan TEKA - TEKI SILANG. Buku ini dikemas sesuai dengan karakter dan psikologi anak yang mewujudkan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, menggugah keingintahuan, menantang, dan senantiasa memperdalam dan memperkaya wawasan berbahasa Inggris terutama meningkatkan pengenalan kosakata kepada siswa.

Buku ini disusun sebagai bahan latihan untuk siswa – siswi tingkat Sekolah Dasar dalam meningkatkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris yang menjadi dasar dalam berbahasa.

Mega Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 1, 2, & 3

Soal-soal latihan dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana penguasaan siswa terhadap suatu materi pelajaran. Dengan banyak mengerjakan soal-soal latihan, siswa juga akan lebih siap dalam menghadapi berbagai ujian di sekolah, seperti ulangan harian, ujian tengah semester, ujian akhir semester, ujian nasional, maupun ujian tes masuk SMA favorit. Buku ini menyajikan soal-soal latihan bahasa Inggris yang dibutuhkan siswa. Soal-soal diambil dari soal-soal yang sering muncul dalam berbagai ujian di sekolah. Untuk memudahkan dalam pengerjaan soal, dalam buku ini disajikan pula materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang diringkas berdasarkan poin-poin penting yang harus dikuasai siswa. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan paket soal ujian nasional sebagai latihan atau try out dalam menghadapi ujian nasional. -CMedia-

Soal-soal latihan dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana penguasaan siswa terhadap suatu materi pelajaran.

Menggugat bank syariah

kritik atas fatwa produk perbankan syariah

Criticism on fatwas concerning banks and banking based on Islamic law in Indonesia.

Criticism on fatwas concerning banks and banking based on Islamic law in Indonesia.

Teori Interpretasi: Memahami teks, penafsiran dan Metodologinya

Manajemen Keuangan Akuntansi Perusahaan Pelayaran

Multivariate Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis

Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis May 15–16, 1986

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis held at the 64th Annual Heeting of the Virginia Academy of Sciences (VAS)--American Statistical Association's Vir ginia Chapter at James Madison University in Harrisonburg. Virginia during Hay 15-16. 1986. This symposium was sponsored by financial support from the Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Virginia to promote new and modern information-theoretic statist ical modeling procedures and to blend these new techniques within the classical theory. Multivariate statistical analysis has come a long way and currently it is in an evolutionary stage in the era of high-speed computation and computer technology. The Advanced Symposium was the first to address the new innovative approaches in multi variate analysis to develop modern analytical and yet practical procedures to meet the needs of researchers and the societal need of statistics. vii viii PREFACE Papers presented at the Symposium by e1l11lJinent researchers in the field were geared not Just for specialists in statistics, but an attempt has been made to achieve a well balanced and uniform coverage of different areas in multi variate modeling and data analysis. The areas covered included topics in the analysis of repeated measurements, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, canonical cor relations, distribution theory and testing, bivariate densi ty estimation, factor analysis, principle component analysis, multidimensional scaling, multivariate linear models, nonparametric regression, etc.

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis held at the 64th Annual Heeting of the Virginia Academy of Sciences (VAS)--American Statistical Association's Vir ginia Chapter at ...