Sebanyak 902 item atau buku ditemukan

The Very Frustrated Monster

Twitch tries hard to do everything right, but when something doesn’t go his way he stomps, yells and quickly gives up! If only Twitch could see that giving up is not the answer. Maybe you can offer Twitch some positive ways to deal with his frustration.

Twitch tries hard to do everything right, but when something doesn’t go his way he stomps, yells and quickly gives up!

Mahir Conversation Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris diajarkan sejak sekolah dasar sampai perguruan tinggi, tapi sejauh ini Anda belum mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Seakah bahasa Inggris merupakan momok yang mengerikan. Hal yang sangat penting saat berbicara bahasa Inggris adalah penguasaan vocabulary. Berapa banyak vocabulary yang sudah Anda hafal? bagaimana cara menghapal vocabulary dengan mudah? buku ini bisa menjadi solusi dalam menghapalkan vocabulary. Dalam buku ini dikombinasikan antara menghafal vocabulary dengan mengaplikasikan dalam percakapan. Anda ingin cepat mahir bahasa Inggris? Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa asing adalah kosakata, pelafalan, tata bahasa serta keberanian dalam menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda dari ibu kita. Buku Mahir Conversation Bahasa Inggris menawarkan metode baru! Bagi Anda yang ingin cepat mahir percakapan bahasa inggris dalam waktu singkat. Disajikan secara sistematis, tematis, step by step dan mudah dipahami hingga Anda bisa

Buku Mahir Conversation Bahasa Inggris menawarkan metode baru! Bagi Anda yang ingin cepat mahir percakapan bahasa inggris dalam waktu singkat. Disajikan secara sistematis, tematis, step by step dan mudah dipahami hingga Anda bisa

Buku Pintar Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari (Ed. Lengkap) (Plus CD)

LANCAR bicara bahasa Inggris dalam tempo singkat bukan lagi sesuatu yang mustahil. Apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk bisa lancar berbahasa Inggris sudah tersedia dalam buku ini. Buku ini menyajikan kalimat-kalimat kunci percakapan sebagai penganti teori grammar untuk menguasai percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan mudah, lancar, dan benar. Model-model pertakapan disesuaikan dengan topik tertentu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, misalnya percakapan tentang cara menyapa seseorang, memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain, cara menanyakan nama, asal-usul, umur, pekerjaan, hobi, dan sebangainya. Selain itu, buku ini juga menyajikan kesalahan-kesalahan kalimat dalam percakapan bahasa. Versi kalimat percakapan yang salah dan versi kalimat yang benar disajikon dengan gamblang disertai penjelasan singkat tentang mengapa kalimat tersebut salah dan kesalahannya terletak di mana. Sehingga, pada masa mendatang tidak akan mengulang kesalahan yang sama. -Indonesia Tera-

LANCAR bicara bahasa Inggris dalam tempo singkat bukan lagi sesuatu yang mustahil.

Pro Puppet

Offers information on the installation, use, and development using the configuration managmenet software.

Offers information on the installation, use, and development using the configuration managmenet software.

Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People

Over 325 Ready-To-Use Words and Phrases For Working With Challenging Personalities

Incompetent, lazy, spotlight-hogging, whiny, backstabbing, avoidant—there’s no end to the personality challenges that impede workplace relationships. But interacting effectively with employees, colleagues, and bosses is essential for success. With Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People, anyone can confront problems head-on, before they fester and spread. Practical and easy to use, the book helps you identify button-pushing situations and deploy simple phrases to regain control and resolve conflicts—no matter who you’re dealing with. Helpful features include: • Thirty common personality traits, behaviors, and workplace scenarios along with the phrases that work best with each • Nonverbal communication skills to back up your words • Sample dialogues that demonstrate how phrasing improves interactions • A five-step process for moving from conflict to resolution • “Why This Works” sections that provide detailed explanations Like it or not, the bulk of our waking hours are spent with people at work. This book’s pithy, powerful communication tips will make those hours far more harmonious and productive.

Practical and easy to use, the book helps you identify button-pushing situations and deploy simple phrases to regain control and resolve conflicts—no matter who you’re dealing with.

The Star Factor

Discover What Your Top Performers Do Differently - and Inspire a New Level of Greatness in All

In every company, a select few produce more, sell more, and deliver better results. These stellar performers consistently outshine their peers—and achieve more than most would believe possible. If only these people could be cloned! The Star Factor delivers the next best thing: a unique system for unlocking their wisdom, transforming that knowledge into actionable steps, and helping other employees internalize these new attitudes and behaviors, bringing much-needed change to the whole organization. The book’s proven Affirmative Leadership methodology has produced astonishing results for companies in a range of industries: The world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer doubled its accuracy rate for inventory management forecasting; and a top fast food chain dramatically reduced its employee turnover. Supported by recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, including research on motivation, learning, and achievement, The Star Factor presents a sustainable, people-centered system to build a culture of greatness that starts with the stars and spreads to every corner and every level of the organization.

The Star Factor delivers the next best thing: a unique system for unlocking their wisdom, transforming that knowledge into actionable steps, and helping other employees internalize these new attitudes and behaviors, bringing much-needed ...

The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution

Powerful Revenue Strategies to Take You To the Next Level

The nonprofit sector is facing major fundraising challenges. Government cutbacks, shrinking endowments, and business belt-tightening mean revenue shortfalls that could prevent organizations from fulfilling their missions. To survive and ultimately thrive, a nonprofit needs forceful revenue strategies and an organizational culture that champions them. Bridging the gap between theory and practical methods, The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution shows readers how to: • Ensure that executive leadership and board dynamics fully support fundraising initiatives • Build a broad constituency of donors aligned to the mission • Determine the right level of funding diversification • Use tactics such as challenge drives, stretch gifts, and corporate matching; parlor gatherings; leadership councils; year-end drives; corporate partnerships; and major campaigns to power revenue, increase access to wealthy donors, and raise their community profile • Proactively encourage planned giving • Avoid revenue plateaus Full of real-life stories and “casebooks” of the strategies-in-action, this book reveals how any nonprofit can implement advanced fundraising methods and secure the funds they need to excel.

Bridging the gap between theory and practical methods, The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution shows readers how to: • Ensure that executive leadership and board dynamics fully support fundraising initiatives • Build a broad constituency of ...

Generations at Work

Managing the Clash of Boomers, Gen Xers, and Gen Yers in the Workplace

This all-new edition of the seminal book on navigating the multigenerational workplace takes a fresh look at a growing challenge, now exacerbated by the youngest employees. With their micromanaged childhoods and tech addictions, Gen Yers require constant feedback—frustrating for the Me Generation that can’t let go of the spotlight, and annoying for Gen Xers, sandwiched between the two. So how can you lead this motley group with their often incompatible work ethics, values, and styles? Generations at Work lays bare the causes of conflict, and offers practical guidelines for managing the differences, including: • In-depth interviews with members of each generation • Best practices from companies bridging the generation gap • Specific tips for each generation on how to handle the others • A field guide for mentoring GenerationY For anyone struggling to manage a workforce with different ways of working, communicating, and thinking, Generations at Work is the answer.

This all-new edition of the seminal book on navigating the multigenerational workplace takes a fresh look at a growing challenge, now exacerbated by the youngest employees.

Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Creating Dynamic PDF and HTML5 Forms for Desktop and Mobile Applications

Creating intelligent forms can be challenging. Forms have to present critical information in a compact format. Interactive forms that respond to data entry by the user require some programming. Dynamic forms also have to work seamlessly with the database that collects customer information. Plus, forms need to be designed well to eliminate confusion and entice completion by the user. As shown in this book, LiveCycle Designer addresses the many objectives of forms creation. It offers a digital handshake between the graphic designer and the data programmer. LiveCycle Designer lets form designers create more compelling and dynamic documents than is possible with Acrobat or Microsoft Word. Forms created with LiveCycle Designer automatically expand to accommodate different amounts of data and report that information back to a database. The new version of LiveCycle Designer (ES4) allows for the first time forms to be deployed in HTML5 format, so they can be used on a wider array of devices (page sizes can adjust to smaller screens) and in a wider range of software systems (no special reader or plugin needed to use them, just a Web browser). Adobe LiveCycle Designer: Creating Dynamic PDF and HTML5 Forms for Desktop and Mobile Applications shows design strategies as well as the technical underpinnings of PDF and XFA (Adobe XML Forms Architecture), the tools necessary to create intelligent forms.

Plus, forms need to be designed well to eliminate confusion and entice completion by the user. As shown in this book, LiveCycle Designer addresses the many objectives of forms creation.