Arsitektur Sadar Energi : Pemanfaatan Komputer dan Internet untuk Merancang Bangunan Ramah Lingkungan

Arsitektur Modern Akhir Abad XIX dan Abad XX Edisi Ke 2

Ilustrasi Desain Interior

Ilustrasi desain interior

The Economics of Fire Protection

This important new book, the first of its kind in the fire safety field, discusses the economic problems faced by decision-makers in the areas of fire safety and fire precautions. The author considers

Pendidikan arsitektur dan tantangan lingkungan masa depan

proseding Seminar Nasional 60 Tahun Pendidikan Arsitektur

Architectural education and its challenges in Indonesia and other countries.

Higher-education Facilities

The complete home encyclopedia

Water Demand Forecasting

Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council.

Architectural AutoCAD

Drafting, Design, Presentation

- Format similar to AutoCAD and its Applications series.- Includes advanced topics such as 3D modeling, presentation drawings, and AutoCAD customization.

Menata Interior Sesuai Feng Shui

Rumah Solo

rumah-rumah klasik paduan kultur Jawa-Eropa