Adolescents and Their Reactions to Television Sex

Active sex after sixty

No Distinction of Sex?

Women in British Universities, 1870-1939

In 1939 women represented nearly one quarter of the student population in British universities. Though tantamount to a "social revolution" in the eyes of many contemporaries, the process has recieved

A Guide for Christian Sex Education of Youth

Youth and Sex

A Study of 1300 College Students

Sex and Society in Islam

Birth Control Before the Nineteenth Century

Examines the practice of contraception in Islamic countries during the Middle Ages and analyzes the place of birth control in Islamic society

At home with sex

48 Laws of Sex - A Guide to a Perfect Sex Life

Are you having issues in the bedroom? Do you want to become a better lover? Do you want to know what's going on in the opposite sexes mind? Do you think you know all there is to know about sex or are

Sex - Sex - Six

'Sex-Sex-Six' is a sexadelic Satanictry pop art collection of photographs from the Los Angeles substraits, containing hidden cyphers with undercurrents of code, photographed by Winter Laake.

Sex Workers and Sex Work

When Sex Goes to School: Warring Views on Sex--and Sex Education--Since the Sixties

An exploration of the ideas and values behind the debate over sex education is told from the perspectives of today's parents, in a sociological study that traces sex education in schools throughout th

Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living

"Some things that all sane people ought to know about sex nature and sex functioning; its place in the economy of life, its proper training and righteous exercise." Originally released in 1919.