The United States Should Play a Greater Role in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Departments of State and Agriculture and Other Federal Agencies : Report to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs

Cooperation between the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization and the United Nations Organization

Official Records of the World Health Organization

Organization Design

Organization Design looks at how you need to change the ways your organization does things in order to increase productivity, performance, and profit. Providing the knowledge and method to handle the

An experience in community development and the principles of community organization

An account of the five year experience of the Greenville (S.C.) Council for Community Development, under a grant from the General Education Board, Rockefeller Foundation.

Structural development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Organization--communication: The renaissance in systems thinking

The systems approach to the study of organizational communication is undergoing a renaissance. This volume brings together several essays from this emerging perspective from communication and systems

Systems Office Organization

Proceedings of the Interregional Seminar on Organization and Administration of Development Planning Agencies: Organization and administration of development planning agencies in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Organization development for academic libraries

an evaluation of the management review and analysis program

Organization development and change