BUKU DIARSIP : Input-Output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions

BUKU DIARSIP : Instructor's Manual to Accompany Price and Markets

Seri Ilmu dan Seni Manajemen Bisnis Memimpin Manusia

Tingkatkan Omzet Bisnis dengan Email Marketing

Manajemen Pemasaran Untuk Engineering

Rahasia Olah data Lisrer

Membuat Aplikasi Smartphone Multiplatform


Bekerja sebagai motivasi hidup

Pengambilan Kepts Stratejik

Discrete Mathematics for Computing

Written in a clear style and aimed at students with a limited background in mathematics, this introduction to discrete mathematics presents the material that forms the essential background for studies

Current issues lembaga keuangan syariah

Issues concerning Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia; papers.

Panduan Praktis Pengelolaan PBB P2