Mikroekonomi Intermediate

Sistem Informasi Manajemen

Istilah-istilah Akuntansi & Auditing

Manajemen marketing perhotelan

Manajemen Strategi Analisis Bisnis Nasional dan Multinasional

Antisipasi rumah di daerah rawan banjir

On the anticipation of flood and construction of housing for flood-prone areas of Indonesia.

Pengantar Ekonomi Perusahaan

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow : a Dialogue on Radical Reform

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow

A Dialogue on Radical Reform

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow is a captivating dialogue between the head of a hypothetical, formerly socialist East European country and a fervently market-minded American adviser. Their spirited give-and

Manajemen Pengembangan Diri

Manajemen Pemasaran

BUKU DIARSIP : Manajemen Keuangan