Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins

Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation

Tropical rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate, causing unprecedented losses in biodiversity and ecosystem services. This book contributes to an improved understanding of the processes that have destabilizing effects on ecological and socio-economic systems of tropical rain forest margins, as well as striving to integrate environmental, technological and socio-economic issues in their solution.

Forest structure as influenced by different types of community forestry in a lower
montane rainforest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Johannes Dietz1,2∗, Dirk H
̈olscher1, Christoph Leuschner2, Adam Malik3, and M. Amran Amir3 1 Tropical
Silviculture, Institute of Silviculture, University of G ̈ottingen, B ̈usgenweg 1,
37077 G öttingen, Germany 2 Plant Ecology, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for
Plant Sciences, University of G ̈ottingen, Untere Karsp ̈ule 2, 37073 G
̈ottingen, ...