The Modern Day Mother

Babies and Sleep from Womb to One

Discover how you can parent naturally and gently without crying methods. Conflicting advice, information and criticism can make a new parent feel inadequate, lost and overwhelmed. Certified infant massage instructor, health writer, TV presenter, qualified chiropractic assistant and co-author of 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You, Andi Lew, share how she learnt to trust her instincts and take a natural approach to parenting that will help you to feel empowered and enhance your baby's development. You will find compelling science, holistic wisdom and common-sense advice about: Healthy Pregnancy Losing post baby weight Connected birthing Infant massage/bonding No-cry sleep tips Finding Support

Certified infant massage instructor, health writer, TV presenter, qualified chiropractic assistant and co-author of 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You, Andi Lew, share how she learnt to trust her instincts and take a natural approach ...