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APIデザインの極意 Java/NetBeansアーキテクト探究ノート


本書では、NetBeansアーキテクトの著者が遭遇してきた様々な誤りを解説し、APIの発展を考慮した設計について詳しく説明します。あまり語られることがなかったAPI設計について、 ...

Implementing ADSL

"From service architecture to applications, standards to business case, Implementing ADSL delivers a complete, up-to-date overview of what it takes to deploy ADSL. Written by a leading authority in the field, this book will be equally valuable for decision-makers and implementers in both service provider and enterprise IT organizations." "Whether you are a network manager, architect, administrator, or engineer, Implementing ADSL brings together crucial information and insight for making the best possible decisions about today's most important access technology." --Book Jacket.

Written by a leading authority in the field, this book will be equally valuable for decision-makers and implementers in both service provider and enterprise IT organizations.

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programming Fundamentals

This book will help you acquire solid knowledge and many practical hands-on programming skills. It is intended for beginners. The selection of topics is designed to help you learn the fundamentals of Visual Basic .NET programming and Visual Studio .NET development tools. Each chapter in this book is accompanied by a relevant lab project that will allow you consolidate your knowledge and practice your new skills.

This book will help you acquire solid knowledge and many practical hands-on programming skills.


Pro MySQL is the first book that exclusively covers intermediate and advanced features of MySQL, the world’s most popular open source database server. Whether you are a seasoned MySQL user looking to take your skills to the next level, or youre a database expert searching for a fast-paced introduction to MySQL’s advanced features, this book is for you. The first part of this book discusses topics related to design and development. Topics include transaction processing and indexing theory, benchmarking and profiling, and advanced coverage of storage engines and data types. The authors also delve deep into the MySQL source code and system architecture at a level you won’t find anywhere else. Essential advanced SQL is also covered, with discussion of subqueries, derived tables, and joins. These concepts are demonstrated in a range of situation-specific examplesfrom dealing with hierarchical data to performing geographic information system (GIS) examples with just MySQL. This section also covers MySQL 5's new enterprise features like stored procedures, triggers, and views. The latter part of this book devotes itself to administration topics. Topics include MySQL installation and upgrading, user administration, database backups, replication, and clustering. You’ll also learn about the new data dictionary features available in MySQL 5.

Pro MySQL is the first book that exclusively covers intermediate and advanced features of MySQL, the world’s most popular open source database server.

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The Management of Strategy


Thoroughly examine strategic management concepts using the market-leading text that sets the standard for the most intellectually rich, yet thoroughly practical, analysis of strategic management issues today. Written by highly respected experts Ireland, Hoskisson and Hitt's, THE MANAGEMENT OF STRATEGY CONCEPTS, 9E, International Edition combine the latest, cutting-edge research and strategic management trends with ideas from some of today's most prominent scholars. This is the only text to integrate the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give you a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained competitive advantage.A strong global focus and examples from more than 600 emerging and leading companies invite you to explore a broad range of critical issues confronting mangers today within a practical and relevant presentation. A wealth of learning features, CengageNOW online learning tools and a complete electronic business library help keep study current. Gain the solid understanding of the strategic management tools and concepts you need to increase performance and establish a competitive advantage.

This is the only text to integrate the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give you a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained competitive ...