Sebanyak 69 item atau buku ditemukan

Evaluasi kinerja scientific riset dasar di LIPI

Performance evaluation of scientific research conducted at Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan. Indonesia.

Performance evaluation of scientific research conducted at Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan. Indonesia.

Teori dan petunjuk praktek housekeeping untuk akademi perhotelan

make up room

Petunjuk cara menyelamatkan diri dari bahaya kebakaran dalam dua bahasa (
bahasa negara setempat dan Inggris). 27. Kitab suci agama (atas permintaan
tamu) yang diakui oleh negara setempat. 28. Safe deposit box. G.

Creative Book Reports

Fun Projects with Rubrics for Fiction and Nonfiction

"Travel with your students beyond the traditional written book report into a new realm of creativity! Learn how to actively engage students in literature response with more than 39 imaginative projects designed to enhance comprehension of both fiction and nonfiction literature. Easy-to-follow directions support teachers during every step of each project, helping teachers deliver clear, explicit instruction. Reproduce and use the rubrics in the book as they are, or customize them from the CD—making assessment easy!"

Student. Page. A space for the student's name. Students turn in this rubric page
with their projects. Every student page will begin with a quick introduction.
Directions: Step-by-step directions ...

Pengetahuan, sikap, kepercayaan dan perilaku generasi muda terhadap tatakrama budaya Minangkabau di Kota Padang

PETA KOTAMADYA PADANG - - - - - - -- - - - - - - PAL-v- - -. Ts “ - $f ATA: - ; , - - - -
z. • - i - : s" - p p4.*.Oar. "i Uc\ 1 - v- - \-J -- - - ', , | r - A -- rut-- ) - - - bAla: - o", raat/YA
b414 --te arwatat. “Ji.atrwapr,•-i-arwn.-". ArJA-A's RA:: 5-t•G-A - v - .' A : C --- : c.