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Kamus Sinonim Bahasa Inggris

Kamus Sinonim Bahasa Inggris ini menyediakan banyak pilihan kata dengan arti sama sehingga membantu kita mengekspresikan gagasan dengan lebih efektif dan menarik. Lengkap dan banyak memiliki keunggulan, yakni: Mudah dibawa kemana-mana. Berisi kosakata pilihan yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mencantumkan arti bahasa Indonesia sehingga mudah dipelajari. Memuat antonim (lawan kata). Plus 16 tenses dilengkapi dengan formula, contoh, penggunaan, dan tip. Colloquial (bahasa percakapan sehari-hari), dan daftar website belajar bahasa Inggris. Terdapat daftar website belajar Bahasa Inggris. Sangat cocok untuk pelajar dan mahasiswa. Mudah digunakan karena terdapat panduan abjad. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Bfirst, Panduan Belajar, Bahasa Indonesia]

Kamus Sinonim Bahasa Inggris ini menyediakan banyak pilihan kata dengan arti sama sehingga membantu kita mengekspresikan gagasan dengan lebih efektif dan menarik.

Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Mikro

Ekonomi terus mengalami perkembangan seiring dengan perkembangan peradaban manusia dan teknologi yang membantu memudahkan pekerjaan manusia. Teori-teori ekonomi muncul sebagai bagian memberi sumbangan konsep pemikiran atau gagasan tentang bagaimana seharusnya manusia memilih suatu pilihan ekonomi yang mampu membantu menentukan pilihan yang paling memungkinkan bisa dikerjakan dan hasilnya diharapkan menghasilkan karya atau produk yang paling sesuai dengan kapasitas maksimum yang dimiliki. Buku pengantar ilmu ekonomi mikro yang ditulis ini memanfaatkan teori-teori yang sudah ada dengan berusaha menambahkan pembahasan teori ekonomi yang dimunculkan oleh ahli ekonomi terdahulu, dan diilustrasikan kaitannya dengan beberapa teori ekonomi yang lain di antaranya dengan ilmu pemasaran, ilmu psikologi dan termasuk juga di dalamnya ilmu budaya. Dengan melibatkan beberapa ilmu dimaksud, diharapkan buku ini setidaknya bisa memberi tambahan gambaran suatu kondisi yang mengalami perkembangan dikaitkan dengan teori ekonomi yang ada.

Buku pengantar ilmu ekonomi mikro yang ditulis ini memanfaatkan teori-teori yang sudah ada dengan berusaha menambahkan pembahasan teori ekonomi yang dimunculkan oleh ahli ekonomi terdahulu, dan diilustrasikan kaitannya dengan beberapa teori ...

Pancasila Dan UUD '45 Dalam Paradigma Reformasi



0 Beranda ▸ Buku ▸ Business & Investing ▸ Akuntansi Biaya (KONSEP DAN IMPLEMENTASI DI INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR) Akuntansi Biaya (KONSEP DAN IMPLEMENTASI DI INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR) Oleh Dadan Ramdhani, Merida, Ai Hendrani, Suheri +7 Eceran Rp 119.000 TAMBAHKAN ** Publikasi digital hanya dapat dibaca dari e-reader Gramedia Digital Deskripsi Detail Ulasan Anggota Tanggal rilis: 03 February 2020. "Salah satu unsur terpenting dalam menghitung nilai laba adalah biaya. Keakuratan biaya adalah mutlak untuk mendapatkan perhitungan yang akurat pula atas nilai laba perusahaan. Keakuratan perhitungan biaya juga akan menghasilkan penentuan nilai jual yang tepat pada sebuah produk. Kita akan mempelajari berbagai macam cara perhitungan biaya dalam modul-modul berikutnya. Selanjutnya, setelah perhitungan adalah penyajian berbagai laporan yang berisikan berbagai macam biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan dalam periode waktu tertentu."

0 Beranda ▸ Buku ▸ Business & Investing ▸ Akuntansi Biaya (KONSEP DAN IMPLEMENTASI DI INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR) Akuntansi Biaya (KONSEP DAN IMPLEMENTASI DI INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR) Oleh Dadan Ramdhani, Merida, Ai Hendrani, Suheri +7 Eceran Rp ...

Ekonomi Teknik

Internet of Things

Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems

The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of the Internet of Things (IoT) from the research and development priorities to enabling technologies, architecture, security, privacy, interoperability and industrial applications. It is intended to be a stand-alone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster - from technology to international cooperation and the global "state of play." The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and presents views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, development and deployment of IoT at the global level. Today we see the integration of Industrial, Business and Consumer Internet which is bringing together the Internet of People, Internet of Things, Internet of Energy, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Media, Services and Enterprises in forming the backbone of the digital economy, the digital society and the foundation for the future knowledge and innovation based economy. These developments are supporting solutions for the emerging challenges of public health, aging population, environmental protection and climate change, the conservation of energy and scarce materials, enhancements to safety and security and the continuation and growth of economic prosperity. Penetration of smartphones and advances in nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, wireless communication, software, and Cloud computing technology will be the main drivers for IoT development. The IoT contribution is seen in the increased value of information created by the number of interconnections among things and the transformation of the processed information into knowledge shared into the Internet of Everything. The connected devices are part of ecosystems connecting people, processes, data, and things which are communicating in the Cloud using the increased storage and computing power while attempting to standardize communication and metadata. In this context, the next generation of Cloud computing technologies will need to be flexible enough to scale autonomously, adaptive enough to handle constantly changing connections and resilient enough to stand up to the huge flows of data that will occur. In 2025, analysts forecast that there will be six devices per human on the planet, which means around 50 billion more connected devices over the next 12 years. The Internet of Things market is connected to this anticipated device growth from industrial Machine to Machine (M2M) systems, smart meters and wireless sensors. Internet of Things technology will generate new services and new interfaces by creating smart environments and smart spaces with applications ranging from Smart Cities, Smart Transport, Buildings, Energy, Grid, to Smart Health and Life.

The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of the Internet of Things (IoT) from the research and development priorities to enabling technologies, architecture, security, privacy, interoperability and industrial applications ...

The Customer Loyalty Solution

What Works (And What Doesn'T) in Customer Loyalty Programs

How Today's Marketing Leaders Have Bypassed the "Experts" to Craft Effective, Inexpensive Customer Loyalty Programs Database marketing is today's most powerful tool for designing cost-effective, resource-efficient marketing and operations programs. "The Customer Loyalty Solution "cuts through theory and guesswork to examine how leading marketers from Land's End to IBM are using today's new breed of database marketing tools to compute lifetime value, cut costs in every area, and make databases easier to access and utilize from anywhere on the globe. Praise for "The Customer Loyalty Solution": ""The Customer Loyalty Solution "combines the best of traditional practice with contemporary market factors in terms that inspire and cut across industries. Straightforward enough for the upcoming 1-1 marketer as well as a great catch-up for the seasoned practitioner."--Joe Rapolla, VP, Consumer Marketing Services, Universal Music Group/CLO "Delivers practical solutions instead of hyperbole and theory. Hughes makes this book fun to read, and he gets his point across--clearly."--Robert McKim, CEO, msdbm "Well written and easy to understand. Hughes imparts his wisdom to set realistic expectations and provides case studies adding real-world application."--J.C. Johnson, VP, Database Marketing, Fairfield Resorts "Hughes distills the jargon and complexity of database marketing into a refreshingly straightforward and practical guide. "The Customer Loyalty Solution "should be required reading for anyone serious about making database marketing work."--Jonathan Huth, VP, Relationship Database Marketing, Scotiabank New technologies like the Web have brought unprecedented change to databasemarketing. But some things never change. Successful marketers have learned that to understand their customers they must still think like their customers, who continue to ignore one-time discounts to ask, "Why would I want to be that company's customer? What's in it for me?" "The Customer Loyalty Solution "goes straight to the source, revealing how marketers today are leveraging their database marketing programs to identify and attract the most profitable new customers, increase current customer retention and repurchase, and identify and reward their most loyal and profitable customers. More than 40 detailed case studies and dozens of examples reveal success stories includingVerizon's "best in class" datamart that realized a 1681 percent return on marketing investment Isuzu's database project that targeted only their best prospects--and cut industry-standard per-unit sales costs in half "Weekly Standard"'s variable headline strategy that increased direct mail response rates by nearly 25 percent Author and database marketing pioneer Arthur Hughes doesn't hide behind incomprehensible formulas and impossible-to-navigate layouts. Each easy-to-follow chapter clearly addresses and explains a different piece of the database-marketing puzzle. Case studies are clearly marked and detail what went right--or wrong. Chapter-ending synopses summarize the lessons to be learned in each chapter and clearly review what worked and what didn't. These features and others combine with innovative charts and quizzes to ensure hands-on understanding of material covered and make the book a timely, practical guide. "The Customer Loyalty Solution "reveals how database marketing and customer relationshipmanagement initiatives are making a difference, today, for the world's leading marketers. It provides you with step-by-step techniques for benchmarking their efforts to develop intelligent strategies of your own, understanding how and why they work, and monitoring their results to continually adjust and modify for changing market conditions. The result will be far stronger customer loyalty, more consistent repeat sales, and a database-marketing program that is enjoyable and successful--for both you and your most profitable customers.

"--Joe Rapolla, VP, Consumer Marketing Services, Universal Music Group/CLO "Delivers practical solutions instead of hyperbole and theory. Hughes makes this book fun to read, and he gets his point across--clearly.